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2 Weeks Later

      The last two weeks on tour had been an absolute whirl wind. Every single show thus far had been completely sold out and everyone was on cloud nine about it. We where in Canada doing the last of the two shows there before heading back to the states. I See Stars was currently on stage playing my favorite song off of "Treehouse" Running with Scissors, Devin looked right down at me and smiled allowing me to capture an extremely adorable picture of him.
      My relationship with Devin was really beginning to change, we spent practically every free moment together on our days off we'd go off together and explore whatever city we were in. Then at night we'd cuddle and watch horrible movies,and lots of sex that seemed to be a huge part of our relationship. He still hadn't asked me to be his girlfriend but I was content with not making it so official, I knew he wasn't  looking at any other girls and I had no interest in anyone else. We pretty much acted like a couple kissing whenever we got the chance, holding hand and staring lovingly into each other eyes but we didn't have the title which was nice for a change. However I never did anything like that when we were around Denis, I would tend to stand super far from Devin, he always asked me why but I tended to change the subject.
      We finished another incredible show, people were buying merch before they were going to leave the venue, I went and sat on some of the boxes behind the merch both for I See Stars. I hadn't been feeling well all day and thankfully we had the next two days so I could rest before the Buffalo, New York date.
     "Stella can you hand me a medium of the pullover hoodie?" Nikki asked, as she began helping another fan. I got up from the boxes and handed the girl the hoodie she had just bought.
     "Thank you so much!" She smiled at me and ran off. I forgot how sweet the fans could be. I went and sat back down on the boxes as it really began to clear out. I closed my eyes to try and feel not so crappy.
     "Hey, we are done." Nikki said shaking me slightly I guess I had dozed off a bit, "can you help me pack up so we can get out of here sooner."
     I nodded and we began folding shirts and putting then into boxes, we had everything put away in 20 minutes and started caring it all out to the bus.
     "Thank you so much for helping me with that, it would have taken me so long to do and I'm just ready to get some sleep." Nikki spoke as we put the boxes into the trail, the crew already had everything load up which was nice.
     "Of course, I was just glad to sit down for a while it's been a long day." We climbed into the bus together.
    "I totally feel that, I'm so glad we have the next two days because honestly I'm just going to sleep as much as possible." I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and handed it to Nikki while grabbing one for my self as we sat on opposite couches in the front lounge.
     "I honestly feel like I haven't talked to you in so long, Nikki." I told her as I took a drink of my water feeling better already.
     "Same, I really miss just talking to you. But I get how new relationships can be and how they literally take up every minute of your time. However I'm so happy to see both you and Devin so happy you both deserve it." Nikki beamed.
    "Awe thank you, I'm really glad I haven't ran away from it..." When I was going to get up Nikki got up and bolted to the bathroom, I heard her begin puking so I followed her into the bathroom closed the door and held up Nikki's hair. I rubbed her back, "Are you alright?" I questioned when she had stopped and lifted her head up.
    "Okay, this has to stay between you and I, okay Stella?" She looked up at me and pulled her hair up into a bun.
    "Yeah you can tell me anything." I smiled my most reassuring smile.
     "Okay, so I wasn't 100% until this afternoon even though I had this really odd feeling and just tried to brush it off, but I'm nearly 3 weeks late so I took a test when everyone had left for sound check, and turns out there's going to be a little Valentine baby in the about nine months." She spoke looking lovingly at her belly, "That's why I stopped drinking, and kinda stopped going out with everyone and like changed my diet completely."
     "Oh my gosh, Nikki that's fantastic congratulations!" I was so excited for her, "You're going to be an amazing mother. When are you going to tell Jeff?"
     "Soon, I was going to tell him tonight so that he'd be the first one to know and then we would have told everyone together, but with morning sickness hitting me whenever it pleases you get to be the first to know. And I'll just wait to tell him when we are in the bunk later." She got up from the floor and began brushing her teeth.     
      I left her in the bathroom and went to back lounge to upload my pictures from tonight, but first I decided to check social media. I opened twitter and there was a bunch of notifications from a picture I was tagged in. I opened the picture and it was two pictures in a collage the first picture was Denis and I holding hands and smiling at each other from last warped tour and the second one was from about a week ago with Devin and I kissing outside of the bus after a show. The caption was what really got me: seriously they both could do SO much better.
     There was already 745 retweets and 836 favorites, I was in absolute shock as I looked at this and some people who were replying to it kept calling me a whore and slut. Of course there were some people defending me but it didn't out weight all the negative comments, I wanted to cry how could people be so cruel. What made it worse was Denis had no idea that Devin and I were slightly together and Devin didn't know the extent of my relationship with Denis.
     I watched at the retweets, favorites and replies keeping growing it was an all out blood bath over the internet over my relationships and I really didn't know how to deal with it. Bus call wasn't for another two hours and I needed to get away for a little bit. Nikki was in the front lounge by herself the guys still hadn't gotten back from going out, I told her that I was going for a walk. I grabbed one of Devin's hoodies because I couldn't find one of mine and left.
     I got about twelve blocks from the venue and realized I didn't have my phone with me, but honestly that was fine I didn't want to deal with all that drama. I kept walking and found this little diner that didn't seem to have many people in it. I went in and got booth and just ordered a cup of coffee. The waitress brought me back my coffee and I just stared  at it. I felt horrible  never in the twenty-one years of my life had I been called names like this. I'd only dealt with bulling when I was in middle school, and after that happened my mom let me do online school so that I didn't have to deal with that. For the people on twitter who didn't even know me to start calling me names like that and saying I was sleeping with anyone who would give me attention was just horrible to me.
     I took a sip of my coffee just trying to let go of all the horrible feelings I had been feeling.
    "What are you doing here, Love?" I looked up to see Ben, who sat down at my table.
    "Just wanted some coffee." I lied to him. Ben Bruce and I had never been the closest he was best friends with my brother, so he tended to treat me like a little sister whenever we did talk always picking on me but also helping me through a lot of my problems.
     "Stella there's no need to lie to me." The waitress came back to take Ben's order, he only ordered coffee as well.
     "I'm not lying Ben, I just wanted some coffee before I stared editing things." I took another drink of my coffee, "besides why are you here I thought all the guys in the bands went out tonight."
     "Well yes we did. But I needed to come sober up a bit so I can be up early to face time Ciara and my precious little princess." The waitress brought him his coffee and he thanked her, "now tell me Ms. Mabbitt what's the real issue.
      "I'm actually surprised you haven't seen it, it's all over twitter." I spoke glumly.
     "Oh, that stuff about you being a hoe," I rolled my eyes as he said that, "Stella you're the farthest thing from a hoe I can guarantee you that, you cant let what the internet says about you dictate your feelings."
"Yeah, I guess so it's just you've never been called those things before and like none of them no like what really happened. " I just wanted to delete those pictures.
Ben laughed at me, "Stella my dear I've called all of those names plus some. Confrontation was the driving force behind Asking Alexandria for years. Literally people only wanted to tour with us because they thought we could pull the most girls, which not to toot our own horn for the longest time we could. But we never let it get to us and proved all those people wrong. Now look at us selling out shows, touring with amazing bands and getting one of the best photographers around to document it for us. Its more that twenty-one year old Ben could ask for."
That got me to smile talking to Ben, was like talking to Craig they both just knew the write things to say, "One issue though, Denis didn't know about Devin and I until now I think."
"Oh shit, okay well we better go back to the buses and make sure nothing happened because you and I both know Denis has a temper on him and Devin has a pretty punch-able face especially when they are drunk. " Ben threw a twenty dollar bill down on the table and we both left.
We power walked back to the buses and got back in record time, everything seemed okay so I gave Ben a hug and headed on the I See Stars bus. The only light on was from the T.V. and Devin was sitting there on the couch with this brunette girl straddling him his hands up her shirt ,and lips connected.
I felt the tears immediately begin; I turned around and walked right off that bud making sure the door slammed behind me.

Hi Guys,
        Damn 2 updates today; I was just really feeling it. Lots of stuff is about to happen like tons and tons of drama. Like was that actually Devin..? Was it someone else...? Is Jeff going to be stoked on having a kid? Is Denis going to punch someone in the face? Well only time will tell, as always thank you guys so much for reading this I really appreciate it.

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