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2 Weeks Later

It was our first day off in Tampa; and it was so nice to finally get away from the cold weather. Nikki and I took full advantage of this to go shopping for some more warm weather clothes. We left the bus really early to get lots of shopping done before Craig's flight landed.
We found the cutest boutique and started looking at stuff.
"Ugh. I can't wear crop tops anymore." Nikki whined holding up a really cute black floral one.
"You're barely starting to show, I think you can." I told her grabbing a bunch of different things to try on.
Nikki was barely 3 months into her pregnancy and unless she told you she was pregnant you would have never known she looked so fantastic. We stood in that boutique for nearly 2 hours finding a bunch of cute things to wear for the next couple of days, the forecast called for it be 75-80 degrees the entire time we were going to be here so it was super exciting. We also were going to be staying a hotel so everyone was looking forward to not being cramped into a bus and being able to use the bathroom with no issues.
Jeff texted Nikki telling her to just come to the hotel, the boys had grabbed our bags out of the bus for us which was really nice. We called for an uber then got dropped off at the hotel which was right by the beach.
"Oh geez this is so nice." I told Nikki.
"Isn't it? The mangers are kinda fantastic at getting the best hotels. They every booked a room for Craig and Robert, Jeff also said we are all on the same floor so that'll be nice." Nikki grabbed her bags and I followed her into the hotel.
Jeff was waiting in the lobby for Nikki immediately taking her bags from her and giving her a kiss. I just adored watching how loving they were to each other, and I really wanted a love like that. We went up to the room which wasn't just an ordinary room it was this massive suite with a living room and 4 bedrooms with two beds in each room and a massive bathroom it was more than nice.
I went and changed into a pair of high waisted shorts, a black crop top, and my black vans. I went and sat in the living with Nikki who was watching Desperate Housewives.
"What time does Craig get here?" Nikki asked offering me some popcorn.
I took a handful, "they left Arizona about an hour ago so they should be here around 4:30. We should go out to dinner, I know they'll want to see everyone.
"Oh yeah most definitely. I'll call and make a reservation." Nikki got up and started calling restaurants.
I kept watching the show when the rest of the guys walked in, the first thing I noticed was Devin had a gorgeous bouquet of oriental lilies, my favorite type of flowers.
"Hey Beautiful! I got you these." Devin said sitting beside me and handing me the flowers.
"Awe, Dev that's so sweet. Thank you so much." I smiled at him.
"Anything for you my babe." He smiled at me, I rolled my eyes slightly at him for that.
"You're kind of a dork." I told him, pulling out my phone to see if Craig had said anything.
"Yeah but I'm your dork. " Devin said resting his head on my shoulder.
      These last two weeks with him had been nice, however he and Denis were both trying really hard for my affections and it was starting to become a bit much. Every chance they got they kissed my cheek or told me sweet things and yes most girls would enjoy that I just felt kinda bad. I didn't want to lead either one of them on but of course my feelings for one of them were really starting to be extremely clear.
I got up to my flowers in a cup so that they wouldn't die, which resulted in Devin getting up and coming into the kitchen like area with me.
"Yes, Mr. Oliver?" I asked after putting my flowers in the cup and hopping up on the counter to sit.
"Well, Ms. Mabbitt I want to take you on a date." He spoke standing really close and resting a hand on my thigh.
I raised an eyebrow at him but felt a smile playing on my lips, "Sure I'd love that. When though?"
"Well at first I was thinking tonight but everyone is going out together, so what about tomorrow before the show we can spend the entire day together just you and I." He spoke running his hand up and down my thigh causing goose bumps to rise on my skin.
"I'd love that. Do you have anything special planned?" I asked taking his other hand and intertwining our fingers.
"Well it's going to be a surprise. But I can promise you it'll be a day to remember." He began leaning in as he spoke, causing me to close my eyes in anticipation for his kiss.
"STELLA AMELIA MABBITT!!!!!" Craig's voice boomed as he walked into the hotel room.
I let go of Devin's hand, hopped down from the count and practically pushed Devin away. "Craigifer!!"
I went over and gave my brother a hug and then one to Robert, "how are you guys?"
" Good, little sis we are just taking some time off from our current tour and I thought it would be a perfect time to come see you. And of course Robert isn't going to turn down coming to Florida, gotta warm those old bones of his." Craig laughed.
Robert flipped him for that that then started talking to Devin.
"Well I'm so excited to get to see you. Have you talked to the Asking guys yet?" I asked Craig as we sat in the living area.
"I had been texting Ben all day, we are going clubbing tonight if you want to come." Craig said.
"Well Nikki got is reservations to go to dinner before you guys go out clubbing." I told him.
"Oh awesome, that'll be a great time." Craig smiled.
We continued talking catching up about all the different things that were going on in our lives. I decided not to mention to him my little love triangle with Devin and Denis and just focus on the good things. He told me about how Caige was super excited to have started school, and that Leila was starting to play soccer and mostly how the kids missed me, they had even started a countdown to the Arizona show that neither one of them wanted to miss.
Nikki came out of bathroom looking stunning as always, "Are you guys ready for dinner?"
Everyone nodded and proceeded to get ready to head out JJ was of course on top of everything and had ordered ubers way ahead of time. We all left the suite and met up with the rest of the bands down in the lobby. All the guys were so excited to see Craig and Robert they all gave each other hugs. We began loading up in the ubers to get to the restaurant.
      "You're going to ride with me." Denis whispered into my ear and pulled me into the car he had just gotten in making sure it was full. He rested an arm around my shoulders making sure I was sitting really close to him.
      I looked up at him and smiled it was nice with Denis kinda like how it was before when we dated but with no sex and touching really.
     "So are you excited for the show tomorrow?" I asked him.
      "Yeah it's going to be pretty amazing, this tour has been amazing so I can't complain." He smiled down at me as he pulled out his phone, "wanna be on my snapchat story we both can be flower crown princesses."
     I laughed at him and nodded, we took the picture with the flower crown filter and it turned out really cute he saved it to his phone and then posted it on his snapchat story with the caption; "because the flower crown is the only way to go"
     "You know I think that's one of the only pictures we have together." I told him.
      "I don't think so Stella." He responded going to his photos and showing me that he had at least 20 pictures of us doing various things from just sitting together on the bus to posed pictures to kissing pictures.
     "Oh geez Denis I didn't even know some of these existed." I felt bad for not having them or even knowing they were taken.
     "Well yeah I took as many as possible last year, I thought you were pretty cute." He said with a smile.
      I didn't know how to respond but we had arrived to the restaurant, so we began getting out of the car. Everyone started heading in but I stopped and grabbed Denis' hand, making sure it was just him and I outside.
     "Denis I need to know something. And I need you to be completely and totally honest with me, okay?" I looked up into his eyes.
     "Of course Stella." He immediately responded.
     "Why did you break up with me? And why did you do it over a text? Why couldn't you have called me or waited to tell me in person you were literally coming to Arizona the following week." I held my breath as I waited for his response.
      "Honestly Stella I don't have a good reason why I did it. There was a lot happening when I got back to the Ukraine, then I met this girl who I thought I had more feelings for and instead of cheating on you I broke up with you. And I did it over text because I couldn't bare the idea hearing the pain in your voice. And I know now that it was extremely selfish and I did really regret breaking it off with you because you are so amazing." He finished looking down at me and trying to grab my hand. I pulled away from him I felt sick and couldn't deal with this right this second.
     "Well thank you for telling me and being honest. I just need some space for right now." I could feels starting to well up and I didn't want to cry in front of Denis, "you should head in and I'll be in a second."
      Denis nodded and went inside the restaurant, I had lost my appetite completely and decided to go for a walk on the beach. I took my shoes off and just kinda began walking it was nice to be alone for a bit, I had finally gotten the answers to why I had been dumped and I was glad he was honest with me. Plus he didn't cheat which was good he took the mature step and ended the relationship so he could explore something new. And maybe that's what I needed to do, let go of those old feelings to allow something new to blossom.
      I found a nice spot to just sit that was a little ways away from the restaurant, I texted Nikki and Craig not to worry and that I was alright just so they didn't call like a missing persons in on me or something. The ocean was beyond peaceful and made me really happy, there was also a full moon that took my full attention.
       "Beautiful isn't it?" It was Devin who came and sat right beside me, I was starting to become really good at knowing his voice without seeing him.
      "The moon? Yes is absolutely breath taking." I spoke not removing my eyes from it.
     "No, I meant you Stella." He responded sweetly. I stopped looking at the moon to look at him, his eyes were glued to my face. I just stared at him for a second, how could I possibly be this lucky this man who I kept pushing way time and time again was still sitting here ready to love me and be with me. And at this point I was sick of running away from him. I began leaning in and kissed him knotting my hands in his hair. I felt his arms go around my waist pulling me closer to him we continued to kiss for a few more moments but finally pulled away to catch our breaths.
      "Everyone is going out to the club tonight, do you wanna go back to room just you and I?" I asked him with pleading eyes.
       "Absolutely." Devin responded so gently. He called a taxi and helped me up, he intertwined our fingers as we waited for the taxi. Once it picked us up we headed back to the hotel not really speaking but kinda knowing what the other one wanted the sexual tension between us was unmistakable.
     The second we walked through our hotel door Devin's lips were attached to my neck leaving love bites as he went. I pushed him away for a second to close the door behind us, then turned back around and started kissing him causing him to push me against the door. He had both of his hands on my butt and had me jump up and wrap my legs around his waist and we continued to make out. This continued for a minute as I pulled off his shirt discounting our lips, "Bedroom Devin." He kept assaulting my neck  and walked into the bedroom. Setting me on the bed, as he took off his pants; Devin was practically naked and I was still fully clothed but I got to stare at his body so I wasn't complaining.
     He climbed back on top of me kissing me gently, I figure now was better then ever so I used my full weight and rolled is over so I was on top of him. I smirked down at him and started leaving hickeys all over his neck, as I did this I felt his hands go up my shirt and unhook my bra in seconds. I pulled my shirt and bra off, earning an eager grin from Devin.
     "I don't do the bottom, babe." He spoke and rolled us back over. He unbuttoned my shorts and had them and my panties off in seconds, along with his boxers. I felt him line himself up with my entrance but he was being a tease and wouldn't fully go in, I let out a loud sigh, so he took that as an okay and was inside of me in seconds,
       "OH Devin!" I exclaimed as he thrusted. His lips met mine as he was picking up momentum, as I felt my nails start digging into his back. Devin knew how to make every last inch of your body feel good.
      "What the hell are you doing to my little sister?!?!" I hadn't realized my eyes were closed until I looked up and saw Craig standing in the door way.
      "Umm do we finish or should I stop now?" Devin whispered into my ear but was still fully inside of me.
      "Craig get out, and close the door behind you." I spoke. Craig gave Devin a dirty look and the closed the door as he left.
     "I think we should stop." I told Devin as he pulled out. Great this was going to be the best conversation I've ever had with Craig.

Hi guys,
     I hope you liked it. It was kind of a filler chapter but it did have some nice dramatic touches, that I personally liked. As always thank you so much for reading this it means the world to me.

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