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I woke up with a pounding headache and absolutely no recollection about what happened the night before. I was completely alone in the bunk I was in, and was completely naked. The bus wasn't moving so I figured we had made it to Corpus Cristi, my phone was nowhere to be found and neither were my cloths which was slightly problematic. The part that actually confused and concerned  me the most was Devin wasn't with me, after he had promised me that we would stay together all night which I thought meant sleeping too.
I took the blanket that was on the bed and wrapped it tightly around myself and climbed out of the bunk, the tour bus was super dark and on the microwave it read 4:17, fuck I was going to be late for the Meet & Greet photos. I went into the bathroom and took a shower I felt pretty disgusting so the water felt extremely nice. Once I got out of the shower there was a full length mirror on the door and I examined my body. It was covered in hickies all over my thighs, hips, stomach, breasts and neck 90% of then were brand new. I wrapped a towel around my body and went into the back lounge getting dressed in skinny jeans and a plain back hoodie, I pulled my hair up into a messy bun I put on a pair of red vans and grabbed my camera bag hurrying into the venue.
     "Stella where the hell have you been?" JJ asked as I walked in. I told him I had over slept but I made it in time to begin shooting all the Meet & Greets.
     We started with I See Stars like always but when I saw Devin I felt sick to my stomach; his neck matched mine with all the hickies and I knew for a fact I wasn't the one to give them to him. I hated giving them to him when he has a show the next day or if they had a photoshoot because editing them out always sucked.
      Devin wouldn't even make eye contact with me so that made it even worse. We did their meet & greet pretty quickly and then blew there Born of Osiris' as well. When we got to Asking's all the guys looked beyond tired; and Denis' neck matched Devin's.
     I felt absolutely numb after seeing that and just focused on taking pictures and nothing else. After finishing Asking Alexandria's Meet & Greet, I left the venue completely and went to find some food not remembering the last time I ate. There was an In 'N' Out four blocks from the venue so I got a large order of fries and headed back to the venue I still had a job to do and couldn't allow my feelings to affect me.
      I walked back into the venue ignoring the dirty looks from some of the fans, I went to Nikki who was sitting behind the merch booth scrolling through her phone.
     "Where have you been, Stella?" She asked setting her phone to the side and grabbing some of my fries.
     " I went to go get some food." I responded simply, doors had just opened so tons of kids came rushing in, "also do you know where my phone is?"
     She nodded, "Yeah it's on the bus in the front lounge plug in." I told her thank you and ran to go it before Bad Omens went on stage.
      I ran onto the bus and grabbed my phone immediately seeing I had tons of texts and missed calls and that my phone wallpaper had been changed it had originally been the picture of Devin & I at the pier but now it was a picture of Arizona making out with Devin. I wanted to puke just looking at it, I unlocked my phone to see if there were any more pictures and of course there was but it was stuff I wasn't expecting. There were more pictures of Arizona making out with Devin, but then there were pictures of her kissing Denis and even a few of her kissing me. There were ones of just Devin and I cuddled up in the corner and ones of Arizona and Denis flat out fulling around. There were ones of Arizona doing stuff with both Devin and Denis, and stuff of Denis and I kissing. I felt absolutely nauseated by this, things like this always happened with Arizona and I never felt right about it; I needed to find her and find out everything that happened but first I had a job to do.

Arizona's Point of View
The Night Before

    I handed Stella & Devin their pills knowing Stella could never tell me no. I gave everyone else that was on that bus one. Then took an ibuprofen  so it looked like I had taken MDMA as well.
        "A.J. are you giving some to the other bands?" Andrew asked me and I just nodded.
     "Well come on guys lets go party!" I didn't actually know that guys name but just went with it
    We all followed him out of the bus, and I couldn't help but check out Devin he was beyond sexy and I was surprised he was all over Stella, like yes she was cute and all but nothing special. It wouldn't matter by the end of the night I'd get what I want I always did.
I gave everyone else that wanted some Esacsty some paying close attention the Ukrainian dude that was Stella's ex that he took his. It was going to be a fun night.
It was a couple hours at the couple and everyone was rolling hard I took another shot with Denis finally finding out his name, but I wanted to stay sober for the most part.
"Where's Stella?" I asked Denis over the loud music, he pointed out onto the dance floor where could see her dancing on Devin, "Stay right here I'll be right back."
I made my way through the crowd to Stella, "hey lets get out of here" I whispered into her ear because her back was towards me.
She turned around and looked at me her pupils huge but her eyes sparkling with amazement, "not yet Arizona it's so fun here. "
"But I have a way better idea. That we could do it it'll be a lot more fun." I told her.
"Hmm and what's that?" She asked me while pulling Devin's arms around her waist.
I leaned in so that my mouth was right by her ear "Foursome, Stells" I pulled back and looked her in the eyes she seemed super shocked.
"With who A.J.?" She asked me sounding slightly confused.
"Well you, and me and Devin and Denis. Come on Stella it'll be lots and lots of fun." I gave her my most convincing smile. Stella then pulled Devin's ear to her mouth and began speaking obviously so I wouldn't hear but I could tell by their body language they were going to give in and say yes. "So what will it be Stells?"
She looked at me and then back to Devin, "Sure."
     I had them follow me out while grabbing Denis, we got a taxi and headed back to the busses. The three of them were definitely tripping face, I could tell by the way Denis kept a hand on my thigh and how Devin & Stella kept staring at each other. We got back to the busses and went straight to the back of I See Stars bus. It was awkward for a second because well none of them knew how to start this off really, so I grabbed Stella's hand; pulling her towards me. I smirked and then kissed her a quick but hot thing then I pulled away from her and kissed Denis shoving my tongue down his throat.
      We all made out for a while, but I wanted to get rid of Stella as soon as possible so I could get my hands on both those gorgeous pieces of man candy.       Devin started undressing Stella, and of course Denis' eyes were glued to her body. Devin started sucking on Stella's neck and like upper body leaving hickeys all over. Denis then jumped up and started giving Stella hickeys on her thighs.
     "Stop I can't do this." She said pushing them away and getting up, "I'm going to go to bed."
     "Okay baby I'm coming with you." Devin spoke almost immediately.
      I gave Stella almost a death glare, "No stay Devin it'll be more fun this way. You can go to bed with Stella later." I told him looking back at Stella who just kinda nodded and walked out.
     I grabbed Devin and started kissing him then pulled away and started kissing Denis. I decided I need to leave them both tons of hickeys everywhere. So I switched back and forth giving them both huge hickeys.
      "I can't do this either I have a girlfriend and she's more important than this." Devin spoke grabbing his shirt and walking away.
      "Whatever who needs them to have fun anyways." I said climbing on Denis so I could straddle him.

Stella's Point of View

     I finished shooting the show and just went straight to the bus. I hadn't seen Arizona all night it was if she was ignoring me which she probably was; I had photographic evidence of her tongue going down my boyfriends mouth. Which slightly pissed me off; and maybe not slightly I was pissed that she could do that and well that he could do that.
      Nikki, Jeff & Brent all walked onto the bus and gave me a skeptical look.
      "Where's your best friend at Jeff?" I asked when he sat on the opposite couch from me.
      "Honestly Stells I think looking for you. He's been wanting to talk to you literally all day." He told me.
      I got up from the couch and told them I'd be right back, right as I walked off the bus I saw Arizona standing by it smoking a cigarette. I took a deep breath and thought about how I was going to handle this and there were three options going through my head. 1st I could just ignore her for right now and go find Devin to talk, 2nd I could just go talk to her right now and see what she had to say or 3rd I could just go slap the hell out of her.
      I decided to contain myself and just go find Devin first before I did anything stupid. I walked past Danny and asked if he had seen Devin, he told me to check the green room because that's the last place he saw him. I walked back into the venue into the green room and found Devin.
      "Stella baby." He got up from the couch and pulled me into a really tight hug, "I don't know what happened last but all I know is I woke up in my bunk alone and thought maybe you were mad at me."
     Being in his arms and hearing his words made me feel so much better. I pulled away from the hug; and leaned up giving him a soft kiss on the lips then looked up at him, "I have an idea about what happened last night." I pulled out my phone and showed him all the pictures that I knew now that Arizona had been the one to take them.
      "Stella, I swear I don't remember any of this happening. I would never ever cheat on you." Devin told me with almost pleading eyes.
     "Oh I know Dev and well now we need to go do something." I told him grabbing his hand and pulling him outside.
     Arizona was still standing outside the bus, which was great for me. She looked up and saw with a smile on her face; I let got of Devin's hand and walked right up to her.
      "What's up Stell." She asked still with a smile on her face.
      "Oh nothing." I spoke and then looked away for a second and not knowing what came over me I slapped her dead across the face. "You Bitch."

Hi Guys,
        Damn. That's all I have to say about this chapter. Who would have known Stella could be a lowkey badass? Next chapter will be the aftermath of all of this and really getting some history on our main character. Anyways I hope you guys liked it, and thank you so much for still reading this story of mine.

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