Though his brothers had already arrived, Michael soon became the star of the show, being pulled in every direction for photo ops with various Motown legends. Pat followed behind him, introducing herself to all of her own idols as 'Michael's mother', while Mariah was the subject of some attention in her own right.

Soon, the trio entered a large room filled with tables and mingling individuals. Mariah and Pat wandered off while Michael spoke with his old friend Barry Gibbs.

May 8th, 1997

Katherine and Joseph walked around the venue with Jermaine and Rebbie in close proximity. They made it to their reserved table near the Gordys, the First Family of Motown so to speak, and soon all their children sans Michael and Randy came pouring in for hugs and greetings. Katherine sat down and noticed Mariah and Pat introducing themselves to all the Motown Legends. The pair were within earshot of the Jacksons' table.

"Hi Mr. Gordy, my name is Patricia Carey, Michael's mother. It's so nice to finally meet you." Pat explained as she stumbled up on Berry Gordy, Michael's old boss.

Katherine rolled her eyes and passed a knowing look to Rebbie, who was just as annoyed.

Pat was responding to a question from Berry Gordy. "Oh yes, Mr. Gordy. My daughter and I appreciate all you've done for our Michael. You know, without you there would be no him!"

Without me there would be no none of this. Katherine thought.

The past few weeks were especially daunting for Katherine. It was the first time ever Michael didn't call her for her birthday. Sure she was Jehovah's Witness but that never stopped him before. She knew deep down she was wrong for the way she spoke of Michael's loves but she couldn't take any more of Mariah's snide presence. Just having her around after having aborted her grandchild was too much for Katherine. It's not like she hadn't gone through this once before with-

"Katie!" Pat called out, rubbing Katherine's back.

Katherine narrowed her eyes and faked a smile. She couldn't have a scene in front of all these people. "Hello, Patricia."

The two shared fake appreciation before Pat stepped off.

Rebbie took notice and slid closer to Katherine. "Do you hear her?" Rebbie whispered.

"Mhm." Katherine replied, not taking her eyes off of Pat.

"That woman is trying to take your place! Just evil, her and her trashy daughter." Rebbie exclaimed.

Katherine looked around for Michael before spotting him in a corner being force-fed hors d'oeuvres from Gladys Knight. She turned her head to the other side of the room looking over to Mariah. She quietly shook her head and whispered back to Rebbie, eyes branding Mariah, "I wish she would just go away."

Joseph stood up from the table and walked over towards Marlon who was standing near their table talking to Freddie Perren, an old Motown producer.

"Aye man!" Joseph called out to Freddie. "How you doing? Long time no see."

"I'm alright man, I'm alright. How you been?" Freddie responded.

"Aye I been good!" Joseph laughed.

"Hey Joseph." Randy said as he walked up to them with Janet close behind.

"Randy?" Joseph smiled. "It's good to see you, son."

Randy smiled back and nodded his head.

Soon, Michael walked up to the group. "Hey everybody." He said, quietly. Michael looked up at Randy. "Randy?" He pulled him in for a hug. "Where have you been, man? We missed you."

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