Chapter 8- The Egg Sitters

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"Cause that's how I wanted to eat it," Happy angrily yelled. As he jumped up and down.

"I caught it, so I eat my way. If your going to complain go catch you own." responded Natsu. The pink haired menace grabbed his catch in one hand and lifted it. Realizing what was going to happen, Sora and Lucas looked away. "Don't do it!" wailed Happy.

The dragon slayer proceeded to eat. Fish meat was flying everywhere. "EEEWWWW! He's eating it bones and all." said a revolted Lucy. "I THINK I'M GOING TO BE SICK!" said Lucas. His orange checks had turned green. "Man, you would have think Igneel would have taught him manners." said Sora. His dad at least had taught him proper etiquette.

Natsu sat on the ground with a swollen stomach. Putting his hand on his bloated abdomen. He let out a contented sigh. "Man, that hit the spot." he said. Happy gazed at him in horror. "HOW COULD YOU?" said the cat. The he turned and ran tear's streaming from his. "FINE OUR FRIENDSHIP IS OVER NATSU!" he cried tears streaming from his eyes as he ran.

"He's a drama, queen, isn't he?" commented Lucy as he ran away.

Natsu, grumbled and looked away.

"You going to follow him?" questioned Lucy

Natsu, let out a grunt. "Give me a break, keep up that tough guy act and you'll never get the girls to like you" she said. At this Natsu, face gained a dark look. Sora had a flash back of a certain white haired, blue eyed girl. "Oh, she shouldn't have said that." "Agreed." said Lucas.

He then got up. "Alright that's the spirit go apologize to," began Lucy before Natsu gave her a look that could freeze water. "Just shut your mouth for once," he snarled. He then walked away. "Oh man! he's mad." Said Lucas.

"What was that all about? Scary!" said a terrified Lucy.

"Don't worry Luce, I'll explain later." Said Sora as walked after him. "Where are you going?" asked Lucy.

"I'm going to calm him down." replied Sora as he followed after his brother.

Lucy nodded knowing they had a special connection. She did however wonder what caused Natsu to explode like that. Then she heard something. She turned around to see Lucas fly off with a shake of his head.

"I'll deal with Blue-Bird." Lucas said, annoyed at the way Happy acted. "When will that blue fuzz ball learn to behave?" he muttered. Lucy sighed she wondered how many times the two had to play peace maker. With that she and Plue headed to the guild hall.


Lucy headed to the Archive room and found Mirajane on a ladder. She was on one of the highest shelves and was drawing out a purple book. She had just placed it on top of another book she had, before Lucy arrived. She then saw her on the ladder. "Hey Mira what you doing up there?" she called out. Mira turned to face, her with a smile on her face. "Just a bit of reorganizing that's all," she replied. "Oh I can help with that," said Lucy happily. "Are you sure you want to?" Mira asked smiling while returning to the books. "Oh yeah I'm good with boring stuff!" replied the blonde haired mage with a thumbs up. Plue appeared behind as if in agreement.

While she worked, Lucy told Mirajane of the incident in the East forest. "And then he just stormed off what a jerk right?" she said.

"Maybe but that's what makes him so cute," said Mira with a laugh.

"You really think so?" said Lucy as she helped with the books.

"Of course, you'd be attracted to Natsu's boyish charm if it weren't for Sora." replied the white haired mage.

"What?!" said a startled Lucy. This caused her to lose her balance, slip and fall. Unfortunately Sora or Lucas weren't there to catch her. As a result she landed with a thud. "LUCY!" called a worried Mira as she turned around. As the dust cleared, Lucy lay on top of a pile of books. Plue stood next to her as well. Lucy let out a laugh at her misfortune. "Aha, yeah. I guess ladders aren't my strong point." she said. The fall hadn't bothered her one bit. It was then that she noticed that her hand was on a picture. "I found an old painting," Lucy said. As she looked at the picture and to her shock saw the Fairy Tail gang as kids. "I remember that," said Mira in a sweet laugh. "Is this everyone they were kids?" asked Lucy. "Sure is," replied Mira.

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