Chapter 7 - Hidden Talent and Act

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Stop worrying about your messy hair, your eyeliner and your curvy body. One day, you'll find a guy that won't care about it. – Anon


After cleaning myself, we're all seated over a big log encircling a large open-air fire or bonfire. There was a gentle breeze blowing through the trees, and the smell of autumn leaves. I heard bats chirping high overhead. The full moon illuminated all of our faces.

"What is the saddest day of your life? "Darren asked Calvin.

"Maybe when my little brother killed our house cat, Nightmare. Nightmare was my soft little furry animal. She's soft, little and she's a furry animal. " Calvin narrated while looking down.

"She was washed by that heartless piece of non living thing." Calvin continued.

"Heartless piece of metal you mean washing machine Cal?" Darren asked.

"Yes, that piece of bitch." Calvin answered.

"Oh, don't believe in what Cal says. Cats don't like him cause he's ugly." Finn said and laughed. Calvin pushed him and his shoulders bumped mine.

"Patrice, I have a hidden talent. Want to see it?" Finn looked at me and asked, emphasizing the word hidden.

"Yeah, what is it?" I asked.

"I can pick coins by my butt cheeks. Want to see it?" He whispered and suppressed a laugh.

"You can, what?" I shrieked and imagined him doing it.

"What is it?" Travis looked at us suspiciously.

"N-nothing." I stammered and looked at Finn who was still suppressing his laugh.

"I'm kidding." Finn said and burst out laughing.

"What did he tell you, Patrice?" Travis asked and I saw all of them looking at me.

"He told me that he can pick coins by his butt cheeks. And asks me if I want to see it?"

"Dude, why do you have to tell her that. She probably imagined you doing that mental image is not pleasant, I tell you." Calvin said shaking his head in disbelief.

"The food is ready. The meat parts are all over here and the dessert is over there. I have some gummy bears, jellybeans, bananas, and some cookies for dessert." Aaron said while pointing to some cans, beef jerky, and something like barbeque-looking food.

"I'm hungry-yy." Calvin drawled.

They all rose from their seats and went over to Aaron. Travis stayed and looked at me as he offered his hand.

I smiled and put my hand over his warm hands.

He smiled too, a hesitant one. And then his other hand pointed something...

"Can you hand that marshmallow over there?"Travis asked sheepishly.

"The marshmallow? Yeah. I totally forgot it because Calvin tugged me along with him earlier. "I blabbered and felt my cheeks getting hot with embarrassment.

What's up with me and my constant blushing?

"Since I think you don't want my marshmallows, I'll just keep it." He said with a sad face.

I released his hands and reached for the marshmallow that I left earlier and handed it to Travis.

I mentally slapped myself.

Wrong move! I thought he was offering his hand to help me stand from my seat.

"Patrice, come on. Let's eat." Finn said with a mouthful of gummy bears.

"I'm coming. "I answered and pushed myself sluggishly off my seat.

After eating, Finn told us to do a Truth or Dare game.

"Truth or Dare? What are you a ten-year-old?" Aaron looked at Finn with a disbelieving look in his eyes.

"How about Whispering Willy?" Calvin suggested.

"Why the hell is Willy whispering? Is that game real?" Finn asked.

"I've never heard of it too but it seems legit." Travis said and laughed. He saw me looking at him so he smiled and winked. I blushed and thought about the incident earlier.

"I just thought of it, now let's do it. Okay, here are the mechanics. One of us will tell a secret about them to anyone he/she wants. You'll whisper one of your deepest secrets to the other and you'll be going to act on what is the secret. We have to guess what the secret is about. If we can't figure it out, the one who acts will have a punishment. " Calvin said.

"Okay, we got it. So who's the first one to start?" Finn asked.

"How about you Calvin since you're the one who invented this game. Tell Travis your secret and he'll act it. "Darren said.

I looked at our seating arrangement. We formed a big circle. Travis seats opposite me with Aaron and Darren while I'm in between Finn and Calvin.

"Okay." Calvin leaned to Travis and whispered. Travis' eyes widen and smiled like a maniac.

"This is tough." Travis said and stood up.

All of us fell silent and focuse on Travis. He suddenly grabbed me and pulled my hair upwards. He went to the bonfire and grabbed some coal. He wiped some coal above my lips and drew something like a mustache.

"It's a boy with a dirty face. Calvin is putting eyeliner over his face. No, it's shoe polish, Calvin eats black shoe polish. I knew it. "Finn shouted like we're in a TV show.

"No, why would I eat shoe polish? You dimwit." Calvin said and smacked Finn's head.

Travis held my hand and put it to his face. Goosebumps rose on my skin at his touch, his fingers warm and gentle. For just a moment, a look I hadn't seen before crossed his face. He looked at me and shook his head a little. The look was gone as quickly as it had come, though I still felt taken aback.

I was pulled in my train of thoughts when Darren shouted...

"Calvin got involved with a boy and..."Darren said while standing up.

"He got involved with a boy that he thought was a girl if that's what you want to say." Aaron said nonchalantly.

"Yeah, but something's missing from your answer." Travis said and awkwardly let go of my hand.

"Give us some more clues. "Finn pouted like a ten-year-old.

I'm still puzzled by Travis' actions and my brain is not responding to whatever they're saying and also the fact that Calvin got involved with a boy. I was so caught up in what I'm thinking when I felt a hand placed around my waist and I was pulled. I looked up and my eyes widened in surprise, Travis is holding me. He leaned forward...

"Don't worry, this is just an act." He said before he seeks my lips in a crushing kiss.

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