Chapter 9

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(Ik you guys have been waiting for Lucas' POV. 😂😂)

Maya kissed me as I was about to leave and I kissed her back. My hands where on her waist and her hands where on my neck. Then she pulled away.

"Lucas please don't do anything you might regret." She said and I looked at the door then at her again then nodded.

"Thank you." She said and gave me a quick kiss.

"Let's go back to the party." I said and grabbed her hand and walked off.

When we got to the bottom of the stairs I let go off her hand and we went different ways.

"Hey dude." I said walking up to Zay.

"Yo." He said giving me a fist bump. "So Lucas what's up with Maya and the guys." He said pointing to Maya who was laughing with Bradley. So then I told him everything ever since the campfire.


I couldn't see Riley getting hurt. I love her to much to see her get hurt, and if someone else but me can make her happy then I'm happy.

"Riley." I said and I motioned her to come towards me.

"Ya what's up Farkle?" She said.

"You need to tell them you still like Lucas." I said quiet enough so then no one can hear me.


"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about." I said "cause if you don't tell them then.... then I will." I said then looked at Maya and Lucas "You have until the end of the party." I said and walked off.


"Farkle." I said and he was already gone. I can't believe Farkle would do that to me if he truly loved me like he says he does he wouldn't do that.

I walked back into the party not thinking much of what Farkle said and walked up to Lucas and Zay.

"Hey guys." I said and the both said hey back. "So what are we talking about? I said smiling.

"Oh I was just updating Zay on what's been going on lately." Lucas said then took a sip of his drink.

"Oh that's great." I said fake smiling. And there was and awkward silence. "So I'm gonna go." I said then walked off.


"Great party." Nick said.

"Yeah I guess." I said stuffing my hands in my pockets.

"Maya." Josh said tapping my shoulder.

"Hey Josh." I said turning around to face him

"Wanna dance?" Josh said holding out his hand for me to grab it.

I hesitated at first but then I grabbed his hand and he took me to wear everyone was dancing.

We started to dance and I got a drink. And then after that I got another one and another one. Before I knew it I was drunk

I walked out of the party and was in the cold cold streets of New York.

"Hey pretty lady."


"Hey Riley where's Maya?" I asked Riley as I was looking around the party trying to find her.

"Oh ya umm." Riley said scratching the back of her neck.

"What?" I said

"Well she kinda maybe sorta got drunk and she kinda maybe sorta got mad at me because I told her not to drink anymore and she kinda maybe sorta left the party..." Riley said.


"It's not my fault ok!" She said lightly screaming

"I know I'm sorry for getting angry." I said calming down "Did you at least see where she went?"

"She said she was gonna go to Central Park." Riley said

"Okay thanks." I said and I grabbed my jacket and walked out into the cold night.

I walked until I got to Central Park and I saw a jacket that was familiar in the middle of the street I went to go pick it up and it was the jacket I gave Maya on our first date. I immediately got my phone and called Maya.

"Come on. Pick up pick up." I said to myself and I heard a ringtone coming out of the jacket. I looked through the pockets and found Maya's phone.

"Oh no Maya I hope your not in trouble." I said.


I woke up and my head was pounding and I tried to move my hands but they where tied to a pole above me. I tried getting my wrist out but the more I struggled the more it hurt.

"Hey." An unfamiliar voice said

"Who are you and what do you want." I said looking at the back of the person

"Well who I am doesn't really matter." He said and started to chuckle.

"Where's Lucas?" I said looking around where I was it looked like I was in a dungeon cause there was chains and tables all around and I saw other girls my age hung up in the same position that I was in

"Who are all these girls?" I said.

"More of my victims," he said "just like you."

"NO!!! Let me go!" I said trying to get free

"Ya good luck trying to get free." He said and walked towards the door and got out and locked it.

Some girls woke up and they looked around and look just as scared as I was

"Where are we?" A girl said to me

"I don't know." I said looking down. She started to scream and cry and she was quite loud. Then the man came in.

"Shut up you bitch." The man said then slapped her across the face and she winced in pain.


A/N: Did you like it? I'm sorry I haven't been updating in like 50" years but that's only because I have school then I have volleyball practice then after volleyball I have homework to do so I haven't been updating in a while. 😭😭😭 But I'll try my best to update when I can which would most likely be the weekend so thank you so much for sticking around with me. ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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