Chapter 11

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It was the following morning and our leader had to go on a solo mission for a few days, so I figured this would be a perfect time to introduce Nightmare to Wild Fire and Silver Insanity. They were siblings. Twins in fact.

The unique thing about them was that they were completely different. Wild was the exact opposite of her name. She was a, uh- I'm trying to think of a nicer word for bitch. She didn't smile, she was also too serious and cold, but she got the job done whenever it needed to be. And Wild wasn't all that bad. She makes sure everyone here is safe and don't do stupid things. She's almost like a mini leader.

Her brother, Silver, on the other hand was completely crazy. Unlike Wild, his name perfectly describes him: insane. He made the gang smile and laugh and often looked on the bright side of things. Before Bandit and Nightmare came along, Silver was the youngest. Him and his sister joined the gang when they were 15, but Wild was older.

I guided Nightmare outside where Wild and Silver were practice shooting. Naturally, Wild kept hitting the bull's eye while Silver was struggling to keep up with her. Irritated and impatient, I pulled out my gun and shot in the bull's eye three times in a row.

Wild and Silver looked back to me. "I was getting the hang of it, you know." Silver said.

Wild rolled her eyes. "Is that why you only hit the bull's eye twice in the past fifteen minutes."

All of a sudden, Rose and Bandit emerged out of the abandoned motel, which was our crappy hideout. "It's early in the morning and Wild and Silver are going at it already." She looked at Nightmare and smiled. "Hi."

Nightmare quickly turned away and muttered "Hi."

I cleared my throat. "Alchemic Nightmare, this is Dusty Rose. That's her daughter Bandit. The girl with the black hair and red highlights is Wild Fire and that's her younger twin brother, Silver Insanity."

Rose and Bandit grinned at her, Silver smiled and waved, and Wild just stared at her blankly. I sighed. Come on, this is Wild's first impression on Nightmare. Couldn't she look a little happier?

Nightmare tapped me on my shoulder. "So, uh, when do I get to meet the leader?"

"You haven't heard?" Silver asked.

Wild looked at him. "Of course not, idiot. She just got here yesterday."

Leaving the twins to bicker, I started explaining to Nightmare. "She's going to be gone for a few days. But I can't wait to see your reaction when you meet her."

Thank you MaxElement  for Wild Fire and for helping me come up with Silver Insanity.

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