Chapter Nine

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3rd POV

Niall woke up the next morning with the stuffed animal still in his hands, and an empty feeling in his chest. He was tempted to roll over and fall back to sleep but instead he got up and changed his clothes. He looked in the mirror while styling his hair into a quiff, and got his car keys off the bedside table. Niall walked through the door and made his way to the kitchen. He grabbed a banana and peeled it while walking into the living room. He was planning to sit down on the couch and relax, but instead he found a sleeping Liam who had drool coming out of his mouth. Even after all of the heartbreak, Niall was still in love with Liam. He grabbed the blanket the was laying on the floor, and put it on top him. He also then grabbed a pillow from the other chair and placed it under his head. Then, he took off his shoes and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. He watched as Liam snuggled into his blanket before throwing out his banana peel and going out to his car. He started it up and waited a few minutes before pulling out of the driveway. He turned up the radio and heard their song
"What makes you beautiful" blast through the speakers. He chuckled and sang along. By the time the song was over, he pulled into a parking lot. He shut off his car and made his way inside. He signed in his name and waited for a few minutes before he heard his therapist call his name. He got up and smiled at the middle aged woman name Cherrie, and together the went into her office. He took a seat and waited for her to close the door and sit down. For the next forty minutes Cherrie asked Niall questions which he answered truthfully. After she told him that their time was up for the day, he went back into the waiting room to schedule another appointment for the following week. Saying goodbye, he left the building and didn't noticed the reporter hiding in the bushes videotaping him.

Liam got up, confused by why his shoes were off and why he now had a blanket and pillow, and looked at the person who woke him up. Louis stood over him with worry etched in his face. Liam was suddenly very awake and pulled his friend down next to him on the couch.

"What's wrong mate?" Liam asked concerned.

"We can't find Niall, his car is gone and he's not answering his phone." Louis said almost in tears. "He didn't say anything about leaving."

Liam pulled Louis in for a hug, but broke away when the heard the door open. There Niall came in putting away what appeared to be a pack of cigarets.

"Niall! We were so worried, why didn't you pick up your phone or tell anyone where you were going!" Louis shouted at the pale boy.

Liam stepped between the two and hugged Niall. Niall tensed at the contact, and pulled away quickly. Liam looked hurt but Niall didn't care. Because Liam hurt him much worse.

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