Why were they listening to her? Tage slid away from Daspar, careful not to make any sudden moves.

When Natalie poked Daspar's chest, Tage picked up the distinct emotion of pleasure. "You're sick." Tage clenched her jaw. "He took care of you."

Natalie laughed under her breath. "You don't know anything." She spun the ring on Daspar's finger, releasing the red gem. "He didn't deserve the knowledge."

"Leave him alone." Tage reached out but dropped her hand when Emil exhaled a heavy breath. Natalie had no right to touch him. No right to take his ring.

"You're blind." Natalie slid the ring on her thumb. Her eyes gleamed with the fiery gem's reflection. "But I will make you see."

* * *

Two black SUVs waited like palace guards outside the hotel entrance. As soon as Emil stepped into the lobby, another man wearing heavy combat gear exited the vehicle and opened the door. Tage recognized the raised, welted cross of the Hunter's mark branded into the side of his neck. She quickly scanned Natalie for signs of a cross but found nothing to prove she wasn't acting of her own accord. None of it made sense.

"As if they need security," Ezra whispered.

Emil nodded toward the second vehicle but kept his dark gaze on Natalie. "It's best if you stay with the sirens." His hand slid to her hip. "I'll ride in the first vehicle with my sisters. You understand, of course."

"Of course." A soft smile played on her lips. Emil bit back his own, pausing for a moment before stepping away from her.

"This can still work," she said at his back, but he didn't turn as he left the lobby.

Tage was puzzled. What could Natalie offer them, other than her soul? Tage wasn't able to put a connection together.

When Vita strutted into the lobby, the concierge dropped his phone. The little dog of the woman he was assisting broke out in a song of snappy yelps.

Vita snarled, and the woman scooped her dog up in her arms. 

"We're drawing attention. We need to leave." Vita ushered them outside.

"They're more concerned about the fires than us." Natalie glanced back. "Where's Aurelia?"

"She had to use the lady's room. You better hope she doesn't spend too much time in front of the mirror. It's unfortunate Otho wasn't recovered. She will be inconsolable."

"He's not lost." Natalie's voice was steady, but Tage felt her fear grow like a weed in an untended garden the moment Dax disappeared through the portal with Otho's soul. Tage smiled inside; fear led to doubt and that might just give her the advantage she so desperately needed.

"I trust you have a plan." Vita's cool gaze slipped over Tage and then Ezra. Her fingers twitched by her sides.

"Of course." Natalie's smile was tight, her stare unwavering.

"Good." Vita nodded, then joined Emil in the SUV.

"Trouble in paradise?" Ezra said to Natalie. 

Tage shot him an alarmed glare. If ever there was a time Ezra needed to keep his mouth shut... She yanked him back, being careful not to touch his wound. His smart-ass comments would get them killed.

"Aren't you the cheeky one?" Natalie slid around him like a serpent eyeing a rat. "I'm not sure Halen would miss you too much. And Aurelia is looking more like Vita's grandmother than her sister."

"Ezra's your cousin," Tage blurted. "On the Elosian side, of course."

"My what?" Natalie scoffed.

"Halen will be furious if you kill her family. You don't want to see her angry."

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