First fight! Saving our friend!

Start from the beginning

So, Jackie's dad promised that? When was this? "Well that was them, why should I be holding a promise made by a different person?" He looks at me with a blank face before slowly walking towards me. With each echo of his steps a different line of priests would part for him with the other man following behind. With each leg lift his hand tightened around the cane. Finally he is in front of me, looking down as he is taller.

"I've had enough...OF THE QUESTIONS!" He yelled as I find myself suddenly flying across the room. How did he do that!? He didn't even move his arm an inch! Unless, he has magic. Or something like it at least meaning he has more then just knowledge of the super natural. "Rivio!" I hear Kiba yell as I collide with the hard wall of the basement.

I start to stand and see him and Koneko move towards Valente. No! He is hiding more, I can feel it. "Stop! Don't go near him!" I yell to them as they halt in there spot. "He has more then whatever he just used, stay back from him."

"Hmhm, so you aren't an idiot huh? Smart. Yes I have a lot more then just magic and some simple parlor tricks. I have killed plenty of Devils to know how to dispose of a knight and rook. Don't test me." He says grinning, "Stanly! Set up a barrier!" He calls as the other man appears next to him. "Already done sir." "Good, now we can have a little fun while the Devils and priests have their little tousle."

    I look around seeing nothing, reaching out to my left to see if what he's saying about a barrier is true. My hand touches something, a invisible wall, so really the barrier is up. Looks like I have no choice but to fight him. "If you just stand there then your going to die!" He shouts as he lunges with impressive speed at me. Then he starts his bursts of attacks. "Hahaha! You don't even have a proper defense! This will end almost too soon it seems!" He says with a grunt kicking my stomach and punching my body into the wall.

    Crap, I need to do something or I'm not getting out of this alive! He lunges at me again, raising his arm for another swing but this time I duck underneath taking a swing at his chest. He stumbles back, winded from my wild swing. This is the opening I need! I push on and swing at his face connecting once, swinging again hoping to connect only to have my wrist in his hand. "As I said, to easy." He says, then all I hear is a snapping sound and immediately pain shoots through my wrist. My vision gets blurry as he continues to squeeze. "Those were some good lucky shots but that's all they were, lucky. I'm afraid that your done. But that doesn't mean I can't have some fun!"

    With that statement he kicks me again in the stomach, holding me by the wrist still as he uses his other hand to punch at my face. Then he hits me away, continuing to stomp on my body as I lay on the floor. After a kick to my gut he stops to take a breath. Damn, I had hoped to at least help a bit. Looks like I'm still useless right now.  He turns back around with his cane, using the handle to move my head up to look at him. "I had hoped you'd be at least as powerful of a host as your predecessor, but it's clear now you are not even near his level. Nothing but a weakling with the power of a god. Now it seems that all you'd be remembered as is the one who failed to live up to the Estacado's name and die here." As he speaks he draws his sword slowly raising it above his head.

    This is it then? The end? He lets his arm fall fast, the sword coming for my head. I close my eyes waiting for the pain.
     But there's nothing. Not feeling or sound or smell. Just a blank darkness. I've been here before.

   "Mmmhmhmhmhmhm indeed it seems your about to die. Not even able to completely use my powers and already in this position. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!"

    "Your...the darkness I presume then?" I ask the blank air around me. "Yes, and you are my host. But you will die here it seems. Hmhmhmhmhm that is want to liiiiivvvvveeeeee." It says, it's voice sending shivers down my spine as I feel like something wraps around me. "H-how could I live in this situation, you said so your self I'm going to die here." I say as I hear it's blood chilling laugh.

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