13. One's Loyalty

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October 16th, near Atropatene.

Arslan was talking with Kharlan, Andragoras' trusted general when they heard Azrael's familiar squeak from the sky. "Azrael!"

The falcon flew low and roosted on his arm. "Did you come here to play?" he cheerfully asked it before noticing a small paper tied to its leg.

"A message?" He wondered, untying the paper from its leg and examined it. He frowned upon discovering the poor state of the paper. "What, it's damp and its letters are faded..."

'...eh? How?' He wondered again and touched Azrael's wings, "....Kharlan, Azrael's wings are damp!"

"Damp?" Kharlan curled his eyebrows, "...and what's wrong with that?"

Arslan explained to Kharlan about his suspicion, making the Marzban leave to scout the area once more. The soldiers behind him overheard their conversation and began to gossip, but Arslan was focusing his attention on the damp paper.

"Did Kishward send this, Azrael?" he muttered quietly to the falcon on his arm. Azrael seemed to say no by not responding. "Then... who?"

Azrael squawked and inclined its neck towards the paper, drawing Arslan's attention. He observed the paper more intently and noticed the letters were deeply inscribed onto it, so it's still readable, though barely.

Arslan carefully held the paper up and positioned it directly below the sunlight, narrowing his eyes to read them, "I... don't..."

I don't want your letter;
I want to hear everything straight from your mouth.

So don't die now, white lion. Got it?

Arslan blinked twice, and soon burst into chuckle. "Good job, Azrael," he put the paper inside his pocket and stroked Azrael's head, "Now return, okay? Tell her this white lion will be fine."

Arslan swished his arm and Azrael took off, soaring back to the sky, "Back to Peshawar at the east!"

He watched Azrael went with a smile, then took a deep breath. He opened his eyes and glared determinedly, "Yosh. Let's do this!"


Meanwhile, Asa and Bahar now were standing in front of the door of a certain hut at the village. That door used to be always opened, offering Asa every warmth it could provide, but now it was locked shut. Sadness was clearly still lingering around that hut. After all, only a week had passed since that day.

Asa raised her hand and knocked the door thrice, then waited for an answer. There was a shuffling coming from the other side of the door before it's opened. Arman's face appeared from behind it, his hollow eyes promptly widened upon seeing her. "Hime-sama?"

"It's been a while, Arman. How have you been?" Asa smiled thinly as Bahar bowed.

Arman ushered the two inside and went to the kitchen to prepare tea. He joined them a few minutes later with three cups of hot tea.

"Well Hime-sama, you suddenly stopped visiting a week ago, it made us worry!" Arman grinned widely to Asa after sitting across her, "So tell me, what's up?"

"Oh, nothing much. I was just feeling like staying inside the citadel and read some books," Asa chuckled lightly, then hung her head, muttering, "Sorry for not telling you..."

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