"You would never do that." She whispered back as she rubbed my cheeck softly.

"Mom, why do you go back to that asshole repeatedly? Isn't the past enough for you to larn?" I try gain and she sighs.

"He isn't bad Caro. I want you both to accept each other. With your faults and his. He has been your mom and dad for the better part of your life hun. He has loved you always. PLease don't mess up your relation because of me." She begged .

"Are you dumb? He is using you to get to me and you think I am spoiling our relation because of you? YOu are my mom. No one is more important than you. Get it." I hissed back and just as I was about to say more, dad appeared out of no where and hugged us.

It felt complete. WHole again, safe to be in mom and dad's arms. We held each other, just like we used to. But now, a new addition was between us and he was kicking us happily. We sighed and then I looked up. I realised that we were in my grandfather's house.

I remembered why we were here in the first place.

I tried to back out but he looked into my eyes and pleaded, "Every one makes mistakes right? But don't they deserve a second chance? Please Caro, I promise you I am not playing you guys. I swear on everything holy to me. You girls and this little brother of yours complete me."

I starred at him, really looked. He looked tired and lost. He looked as if he wanted to be home, his home. "I want you guys, you people are my home. PLease." He begged and echoed my thoughts.

I nodded silently and hugged mom. Pulling away, I stated," Fine, you get one more chance. But hurt us now, or our family and this chance is over. Get it?" I demanded and he nodded then pulled us into a hug again.

"I'm proud of you my girl." Ma whispered and hugged us.



I know where these two had been. I hated it. But Rudy looked happy today. Truly happy. I didn't know how to break it to her parents. Or should I break it? I was starring at them. Sitting in her room, huddled together and so much in love. They looked complete for the first time. Happy.

I watched from her window and turned away in disgust, crashing right into Sheila.

"What the hell is happene"

I put a hand on her mouth and shooed her. Dragging her away from the window towards the balcony and into our wing and pulled her into my room. Then closing all doors and windows I sat her on our bed and pulled her close. 

"Babe, they deserve a chance at love. PLease, please don't tell this to anyone. Please." I begged and she starred as if I had lost my marbles.

"Are you insane? You want to give my lame brother another chance? For what? TO hurt Caro or Rudra or us? How could you want to betray our family like this?" hissed Sheila.

I sighed. How would I make this over protective lioness understand, shaking my head and placed my hands on her shoulders and tried once again, " Give him a chance Love, he spent his entire life trying to revenge his sister, his life, you can't grudge him that can you?" 

Handcuffed Bliss - Watty Awards... 2012Where stories live. Discover now