2. I got a job ? ...Wow.

Start from the beginning

" You lucky bitch . " Mumbling a thank you to Archie , I sprinted off the hallways to find my other best friend .

After searching all the place where she could be , I gave up and texted her .

S: Where the hell are you Bitch ?

After some moment , my phone buzzed with a message .

A: Library.

That gave a real 1000 volts shock. Anna and library ? Damn . That girl despised that place . Only god knows what happened to that poor head of hers .
Chuckling to myself , I made my way to the east wing of the school where the library is .

" Hey " She literally jumped in her seat upon hearing my voice .

" Shit Soph you scared me ! " She put a hand over her chest breathing heavily .

" Chill Ann . By the way why are you in a Library ?" She squirmed in her seat with certain uneasiness and gestured towards another table across from us .I glanced at that direction and my eyes widened . 

Across from us sat Tyler who is or maybe was Anna's Boyfriend , kissing another brunette . I saw red . How could he do that to my best friend ?!
Grinding my teeth together , I walked across the room and stood beside their table . After sometime , he glanced at me and his eyes widened. Nobody messes with my best friend.My fist connected with cheek leaving a bruise . Groaning he stood up from his seat , glaring at me .

"You Bitch ! " He barked and was shaking with anger  and people started to look at us even the librarian glared at us but i gave them no attention.

"Listen here you little piece of shit . Nobody messes with my best friend , not even you . You made her cry , you asshole ! You deserve more than a punch . "Lifting my knee , I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine for him . And he fell to the ground clutching that place .
Turning around , I grabbed Anna's hand and barged out of the library . She stared back at him and walked along with me .
"I'll see you soon then?" she asked me ignoring my gaze on her , sighing i let her go and walked back to  my next class.

Stupid  Assh*le


Thud Thud Thud Thud .......

I could hear my own heartbeat and my breathing was hard . Okay I'm exaggerating everything but I'm a socially awkward person and I take lot of time to get along with someone . So looking after a kid ? He could be annoying , always bawling about missing his mom . Whatever it is if I get my money , I'm happy . I mean , way more than happy . But am not a greedy person , we have many financial problems and I want to make money for my college myself and not to make my parents fall in more problems .
Clutching the address note in my hand tightly , I walked across the street , down the lane .

Awestruck .

I was completely Awestruck .

It was a freaking Mansion . How can someone live in this big castle ? Who am I kidding , Mr. and Mrs .Adams . I stood there gawking at that castle and I didn't even notice , the guard was staring at me like I had grown two freaking heads . Maybe he was in his mid fifties ?

" Um... Hi? " I waved awkwardly and he smiled .
" Who do you wanna meet miss ? " He smiled politely and there I knew he is gentleman .
" I'm here to meet Mrs. Adams , she wanted someone to look after her son . " His eyebrows crunched and his eyes just stared at me .

" Wait a minute miss , let me notify Miss. Julie . " He nodded and left to his cabin , leaving me stand there awkwardly .After sometime the gates opened and I gave a sigh of relief.

" She is waiting inside for you miss . " Mumbling a thank you to him , I walked up their stairs , everything was white and clean , even I could see my own reflection on it. I rang the bell and after a moment of silence , the door opened revealing a lady in her late sixties wearing a maid's dress and with a sweet smile plastered on her face .

" You must be Ms. Sophie ? " I nodded and her smile brightened.
" Come on in honey . " She is sweet .

I stumbled inside the mansion embarrassing myself . Soon I was facing a woman maybe in her 40s ? she had a big smile on her face .Everything was very much welcoming and something warm enveloped my heart , something like attachment towards her .
" You must Sophie Carter ?" Even her voice was so sweet like a sugar icing on the cake ?

" Yes, Ma'am " I nodded and she dismissed it waving a hand .
" Oh, don't call me that I'm Julie . Please call me Julie . " she came forwards and took me in a tight hug .

" Am so glad that you agreed to look after my son , sweetie." I hugged her back awkwardly .

" But , what should I be doing ?" She pulled back and gave a smile .

" You have to look after my son at night , he wont need you in the morning . And before you ask , you'll have to stay here sweetie , please ? "

My eyes grew wide , and I stared at her .

" But ..But.. " she cut me off .
"We'll give you whatever you want , you can use our car , and we will give you more money if you want ."

Its not that bad , right ?

I'll just have to look after her son right ?

" Okay , I'll do it . Julie . " Her smile widened and I was again wrapped in a hug .
" Thank you so much sweetie . And I'll be leaving right now . We have a flight to catch , His dad is already in the car , But don't worry just give Samuel your address and he'll bring you things . Okay ? "

Wow. So many people to help me ?

" Julie ? .. Is your son a baby ? Like should I look after a baby ? If that so , I'm not trained that much with a baby . " I really was not trained with any baby , its not that I don't like babies, in fact I love them but I don't have any experience in handling a baby . Even its for Money , I cant risk a baby's life.

She burst out laughing and I stared at her .
Did I say any joke ?

" Oh god . He is not a baby darling . He is 19 yrs old ." She said that just like she was saying about the weather . I have to look after a fucking 19 year old boy ?!

Well ..umm great .

"Okay . " I nodded and she left after giving me another hug and a sweet smile .
And now am stuck with a 19 yr old boy in this gigantic Castle .


Hey Guys !! So another update !!




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