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It must have been a slow day yesterday. Or I was bored. Thinking back I can offer no other excuse for the day's rather ridiculous proceedings. Now some of you might know that Renn and I have become good friends and are often nightly partners in crime when it comes to sending messages and in the process butchering the English language.

It started innocently enough yesterday. "Hello how's you?" This from Renn at around 6.00am my time, and 2.00am his. Then followed the usual nagging from me about him writing (usually these days to take the heat off me and my lack of material) and then! I mentioned I'd stumbled across a writer on here whose writing was so fluid and faultless it had not only been a pleasure to read but had also resonated with me in a rather personal way. The book I mentioned to Renn had to do with dating site misadventures.

That's when he dropped the bomb: "It's weird as hell because I decided to try one of those online dating apps myself today."

Of course me being me, the conversation went as follows:

Me:    "You now, there ought to be a dating site strictly for writers? Though with all the     temperaments and word-play it could well be hell on earth lol"

Renn: "oh that's an understatement"

Me:     "can you imagine? Overthinking everywhere lol. Hmmm maybe the makings of a funny piece here..."

Renn: "maybe the breakthrough you need" (Gotta love his optimism!)

Me:     "HAHA! Sorry just wrote the title on my list of titles lol, that's why the caps. yah,  haven't written something funny in along while. And it's raining again outside so no porspect of going anywhere..." (language Elise!)

After a brief flutter about my joining a gym to tone up my scrawny ass, his tennis practice, my lack of manners and overuse of expletives when chatting online and something along the lines of "God help me when you meet a significant other," and our subsequent 'overthinking on steroids when that happens'" we finally got to:

Renn: "but leaving that aside tell me which bloody dating site were you part of???"

Me:     "Oh it's... hell.... One of the ones you pay... was it e-something? Only I never paid so only had basic access, no photos, just shadows lol"

Renn: "I think I like that"

Me:     "It's an Aussie site tho I thiink?"

Renn: "although I should add a different user name"

So Renn decided to fill in his profile. And I said, "I want in!" So back I went and logged on to the site myself. After several months without activity, I saw the following:

 After several months without activity, I saw the following:

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