"Yeah my dad is really something." He rolled his eyes. "A bit of a show off.." He chuckled.

"Well your dad is an amazing photographer, designer and producer. He's really talented" I admire.

"Well since you're a number 1 fan I can show him your art work, it really is something...a bit depressing but that's what make an art beautiful right?" He tilt his head and check out my work.

"Oh no" I quickly said, "I don't want your father to think I'm using you and-

"It's no problem, my dad knows that I don't let people use me." He showed me his dimples once again.

"I don't know..." I bit my lip looking at my work.

"Well, if you change your mind."

The bell ringed signaling us it's time for class. I press my lips together, I doubt that when everyone tells him about me he would want to talk to me. We stayed in our spot, I smiled over at him knowing this will be the last time I will speak to him. He smiled back at me warmly. Everyone enter the room noisily, few people stop and saw I'm sitting with someone for a change. They start to whisper things, I shook my head and look down.

When they say ignore what they say, how can you ignore the things they say about you? They say don't let it get to you, it really does and it hurts.

"Hopefully this school isn't like my other one" He sighed.

"What happened to your old school?" I raised my eyebrow.

"People just decide to speak to me if only they want something. They went to a new low, they blackmail me and offer...some stuff so they can be famous." He shook his head.

"Oh that really sucks for you, don't worry I won't use you for anything" I half smiled.

"That's good" He grinned.

I heard a few girls gasp checking him out, he put on his cute glasses and almost everyone melts at how adorable he looks. He caught a girl who was giving him and obvious desperate look, she licks her lips and winked at him. Unbelievable. His eyes widen and look at me afraid making me chuckle at his face. Skyler caught my attention when he keeps shooting evil glares at Kyle, he saw me look and quickly smile before turning away. That's weird.

I felt uncomfortable by the sudden attention on me, every eyes landed on our table. The teacher walks in and smiled.

"Ah, Kyle Roberts wow it is an absolute pleasure for us to have you here" Mr Clark grinned, obviously a fan of his dad.

"Thank you sir"

Mr Clark went on with the lesson, telling us to write down the stuff he's doing on the board.

"Hey new guy, a little advice you might not want to sit next to that loser over there" Sammy pointed pursing her lips.

"Oh I'd rather sit next to a person who isn't a plastic bitch like you" He said calmly.

People laugh around us, she narrowed her eyes at him her mouth falling wide open as she didn't expect that someone would stick up for me. Kyle look back at me and wink making me blush.


I sighed and sit on my empty table next to the bin, I put my tray down and grab my red bull twisting the lid. From the distance, I saw Kyle surrounded by Jessica's friends. I can already tell that they are telling him to stay away from the loser. Kyle turn around and saw me looking, he gave me small smile and return back to his conversation. I shook my head, no matter what I'm never good enough for anyone.

I took a long sip of my energy drink and plug my earphone on my ear. I stare at my food not feeling hungry like usual. A shadow form on the table making me look up, Kyle stood there smiling down on me.

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