Chapter 20

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Sorry this took do long! School has just been kicking me and kicking me, every time I think I will get a break I don't! But here's a new chapter, so at least I am updating!

6 months later

We'd had to move away from Tennessee, just like every other time when one of us was changed. Emmett was no different. But this time we left something behind, or at least I did.

I didn't forget Emmett telling me that he missed his family, so I took it upon myself to make a basket of goods for his family. And by goods I mean a cheque from the Cullen family to the McCarthy family for Christmas, which happened to be the time of year when I dropped it off for them and met Emmett's mother and younger sister. It probably would have looked weird if my family and I had just given them a gift for no reason, so Christmas was a great excuse. I could tell Emmett was sad to leave his family, but he gave no argument about it when we left.

Rosalie was less than happy to get up and leave but what else was new. She didn't seem to grasp the fact that we did have to leave a place every few years. Whether a new addition to our family was made or not. But honestly I could care less what Rosalie thought. And I couldn't help the happiness I felt every time I remembered the day she and Emmett had been introduced.

Like usual, she's expected him to ogle over her beauty like ever other man, besides Edward and of course Carlisle. But even with Lukas by her side, Rosalie still liked being the center of attention. Which was why the two of us were both surprised that while Rosalie was speaking to Emmett, his eyes had only been on me. He did prove me wrong, and I felt bad for ever doubting him.

We'd moved to a place south of Forks, Washington. It was small and rainy and cloudy. The perfect place for us. So we decided to take advantage of such a place while it lasted until we would have to move again. Carlisle had gotten a job at a small clinic in Forks, but we were living close to a place called Hoquiam.

The diet also wasn't bad; we had our choice of deer, bear (much to Emmett's delight) mountain lion, and some other creatures. But these were the best for our vegetarian diet.

The seven of us were spread out in the forest hunting today getting our bearings like we usually did and so far I had killed a deer and a mountain lion, watched Emmett wrestle with a bear, laughing the entire time and now I was running parallel with him north.

We were at the back, and I could sense our family crossing over a river that we soon followed over after them.

As we continued on further, I breathed in deeply and instantly regretted it. A disgusting stench filled my nose, like wet dog and skunk and rotten food all mixed into one disgusting stench.

I skidded to a halt to look around; trying to tell where the scent came from but it seemed to be all over the place. I stretched out my senses, using my gift to see if there was some new species of animal it could be but I only sensed a few deer and my family as well as the plant life around me.

"What is that smell?" Emmett said stopping over beside me and wrinkling his nose in disgust.

"I don't know," I replied looking around but finding nothing.

"It smells like, it smells really bad, I've almost lost my appetite," He said as he started looking around like I did but didn't seem to find anything either.

"Come on, let's join the others, but keep a look out, something doesn't feel right..." I trailed off grabbing his arm to start tugging him away.

Emmett looked down at the hand on his arm and as I was about to pull my hand away, his larger one covered mine.

Startled, I looked up into his eyes and saw something in them that made me feel happy. He looked almost adoring, and I couldn't comprehend what it was he was seeing until I saw my own face in the reflection of his eyes.

Twist of Intuition (Twilight: Emmett Cullen/OC)Where stories live. Discover now