"The eggs are good babe," Diego comments.

"They're eggs," I shrug rolling my eyes.

"Can you not just take a compliment? Or is it not good enough for you? Your eggs are brilliant!" Diego tells me sarcastically.

"All I meant was don't flatter me. They are normal eggs with salt and pepper. Don't be dramatic Diego," I scowl.

Lara just watched the scene unfold before her eyes amused. I hated how satisfied she was with all of this. She probably thought that we would be getting a divorce a week after our marriage. Oh if only.

"Well I'm full. Thanks for the. . .food. Bye," Lara kisses Diego's cheeks and sends a stiff wave to me.

When I hear the door close, I finally let out a deep breath that I had been holding. I lean against the counter, and looked at Diego who continued eating the breakfast silently.

"So? Aren't you going to tell me what was so urgent that she had to pay a visit early in the morning?" I ask him crossing my arms over my chests.

"There's not much to say." Diego shrugs, before he look up smirking.

"Is my angel jealous? Aw it's okay. Don't be jealous," Diego pats –rather slaps– my cheek, and I pushed his arm away.

"Oh please. We both know whatever happens to us at night is just night. It means nothing," It took everything in me to say that.

And I really really wish it didn't.

Because this meant Diego was winning this battle. This imaginary battle we were fighting, or rather me. Who would fall in love first. And personally, I was veering too close to the edge for my approval, whereas Diego was very much still far away.

Diego wasn't easy to crack. And unfortunately I had zero experience in this department. Due to my lack of knowledge I couldn't tell if he liked me or wanted to stab me. There's a thin line between the two when it comes to him.

"Stop zoning out," Diego clicks his fingers in front of my face. I snap back into reality.

"I'm going to my room," I tell him, putting my dishes in the sink.

I'm about to walk out, when his hand wraps around my wrist, pulling me back to him. I groan. I really wish he didn't have to hold my wrist with such a strong grip. It's really starting to hurt. His lips were by my neck.

"You'd tell me if something was wrong right," Diego says, and I nod meekly.

I could hardly breathe. I hated that Diego had this affect on me. He knocked the breath out of me every time he touched me. Even a light brush made me shiver. I hated it almost as much as o hated him.

You'd have thought that after all the time we had been spending together. . .in the night would've brought us closer. Well you're wrong. Every time I thought we took a step forward, I realised we took another hundred steps back. Diego lets go of my hand in a sudden movement and I stumble.

"You couldn't have let go in a gentler way?" I ask him, massaging my wrist.

"Even if I did, we both know you're a klutz no matter what I do," Diego sneers.

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