4) Itachi x Reader: Love at First Fight

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To call it dark would be an understatement. The black sky poured into every crevice of your being and if it weren't for your skills as a ninja, seeing would have been very difficult.

The humid taste of the air was nothing less than what you'd expect of summer- the forest life filling the silence when you saw him.

His long robe distinguishable in the night brushed the ground as the only movement came from his hair, flowing freely in what little wind there was.

This was it.

After two years of preparation.

You were going to kill Itachi Uchiha.

"I know you're there." A voice broke the silence. "Spare yourself the trouble of an agonizing death and reveal yourself."

You held your ground, just atop a tree, peering over the trunk to see him standing still. Your awareness of your own breathing was unnerving.

You waited for him to make a move.
He was likely waiting for you to make a move.

The advantage of surprising an opponent was gone, just like that. And if he knew you were there, he likely knew where you were, too.

Fighting without being seen was no longer an option, and fighting from a distance just wasn't gonna cut it.

You landed swiftly at the foot of the tree you had just been up on. Itachi turned to face you, his sharingan blood red under the darkness of the sky.

His eyes seemed to drink in every bit of you before he spoke once more.

"You have done well to elude my vision for quite some time. I must admit I am impressed at the very least." He said. His eyes narrowed. "But I knew searching for you was quite unnecessary. After all, the prey often reveals itself to the predator in the end. Isn't that right, y/n?"

"How do you know my name?" You asked before you could stop yourself.

Itachi took a step forward and you drew your weapons in an instant.

"No need to be alarmed..." His vacant eyes seemed to light up with amusement. "I am not here to hurt you... although I'm not afraid to, either."

"The only one getting hurt here is you, Itachi."

"Mmm, that sounded like a threat." He said. "Although a very weak one, I must admit."

"I don't know what your game is, but I'm going to kill you. That's a promise."

"Y/n, y/n, don't make promises you can't keep."

That was it.
You disappeared for an instant and appeared before him, your terribly bright chakra visible through your fist, aimed directly at his chest.

Itachi merely blocked your punch with his arm, swiftly dragging his foot across the earth to trip you- but not before you disappeared and reappeared again.

You used your Chakra to inflict as much damage as you could using any close combat moves you could think of, but he was just too swift with his sharingan. Even being able to disappear and reappear so quickly seemed fruitless against his speed.

You regained your distance, needing a second for breath. You were confused- despite your attacks, Itachi only seemed to block.

"I have already said, I am not here to fight." He said, as if reading your mind.

"Then what are you here for?" You countered furiously.

"You think you've been the one hunting me, but really, I've been the one hunting you. How kind of you to show up so easily. Really, I thank you for that."

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