3) Neji x Reader: Royalty

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"You'll be joining Team Guy for this mission in light of Tenten's absence."
Tsunade spoke with her hands folded over her desk in a contemplative stare.

"Right!" Said Guy with a thumbs up. You nodded, appreciative of his approval. At least someone was happy to have you on his team.

"Don't worry y/n, you will be A FINE ADDITION TO THIS TEAM!" cried Lee.

Alright, make that two people.

Your eyes met silver as you briefly studied the Hyuga clan shinobi before you- Neji's stare was locked with Tsunade's as he crossed his arms before nodding silently.

"Very well then... what are you waiting for? You are to report to the front gates as soon as you are packed. Don't waste time."

And with that, you split up to collect your mission essentials. But not before a stowaway caught your trail like a shadow in light of the sun.

"Y/n, wait up!" cried the voice of-

You whipped around and came face to face with none other than Bushy Brow himself.

"Lee, I can see the gates from where I'm standing."

"Nevertheless, walking back together will strengthen our bonds as ninjas and FRIENDS."

You couldn't help chuckling to yourself as you hoisted your backpack over your shoulders before walking back to the gates.

"So..." You began, "Neji doesn't want to strengthen our bonds?"

Lee laughed shyly.
"Well, he does, that I am sure. He just has his own way of showing it."

Lee stopped walking for a second when he saw Neji had finally showed up at the gates just ahead.

"I am certain, that of you, he has a particular interest in." Lee said.

"LEE, Y/N, YOU'RE LATE!" Cried Guy Sensei.

You checked the time on your wrist to find that you still had ten minutes, but Lee was already sprinting towards the gates at full blast.


Well, so much for strengthening bonds, you thought to yourself.

You picked up the pace and met your team in its entirety. You would be given all the details after the first night, instead deciding it best to focus on the destination. The gist of it was that you were under instruction to sign a trade agreement on behalf of an individual too risky to do it themselves. How this would be achieved- you didn't know yet.

Of course there was no time to waste, so the four of you set off at high speed, the wind rushing right through you, reminding you why you wanted to become a ninja in the first place. This was it- going on missions, one of the elite chosen to serve the village. It didn't matter how many missions you did or who you did them with- the rush of adrenaline never ceased to light up your face with a smile.

Not nearly long enough after you set off, Guy had propelled himself forward quite a distance- with Lee fighting to keep up, leaving you with Neji, blazing through the leaves.

"So, Neji, seems like we're the only normal ones around here, huh?"

Neji's narrow eyes didn't lose sight of the distance ahead.

"They may be eccentric but they contribute to the team. That's more than can be said for most people."

You had to process his words.

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