Are We Official?

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Laurance POV
"WHAT DID YOU DO?!?" Garroth yelled at me. "What we just made out but i didn't want to go to far". "If my dad or mom or my brouthers find out your dead". "I'm not Dante who just plays with girls feelings I actually like Y/n and want to have an official realshionship with her". "You have my blessing" "Dude I'm not getting married to Y/n even though I wouldn't mind that when I'm older". "I mean you could go for her I know you don't really date girls" "HEY". Garroth giggled and we just watched the rest of Y/n's dance

Y/n had finished and she came out.

"Y/n that was beautiful" "Thanks" She kissed my cheek and jumped into the car.

"So Laurance is this realshionship official" "Yea if your ok with it" "Yay"
She kissed me and Garroth sent me a glare. "Y/n are you sure?" Garroth asked her. "Yea I know Laurance is a sweet guy and a sexy one" Y/n said. "I gave her a dirty look. "You two cut it out" Garroth said.

We dropped off Laurance at his house and me and Garroth got to ours.

I got in the shower and went downstairs and I ate dinner.

"So mom I kind of a I don't know boyfriend" "WHAT!?!?" "Mom it's not Dante the cheating douchebag it's Laurance" "Oh ok I knew I couldn't trust Dante right from the start" "Well the idiot me couldn't see that" "Y/n your not the idiot Dante is" Vlyad said. "Thanks bro" I hugged him.

Laurance💞-Hey Sexy

Y/n🌸-Hey babe

Laurance💞-So I told my parent about us and he said he's cool with it

Y/n🌸-I told my mom she's ok but I haven't told my dad

Laurance💞-So you think he'll except me

Y/n🌸-He might idk😔

Laurance💞-Turn that frown upside down if he dosent except me we will just date secretly

Y/n🌸-Thx babe😊

Laurance💞-My dad invited you over for dinner on Thursday so can you ask your mom and dad if they want to come

Y/n🌸-I think she'll say yes

Laurance💞-Great so see you tomorrow at school?

Y/n🌸-Yea luv u😘😊

Laurance💞-You to😘😘😘😘

I finished dinner and went to sleep

Time skip to Thursday

I told mom and dad and they said it was ok and he excepted Laurance I was so happy.

I changed into this outfit with my ring and necklace

I changed into this outfit with my ring and necklace

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I walked downstairs to the car with My brouthers and parents

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I walked downstairs to the car with My brouthers and parents.

We got to Laurances house and we knocked on the door and his dad answered.

"Garte long time no see" "Hayden great to see you to" "Hello Zianna you look beautiful and so does Y/n I Remeber when you were just a little six grader now look at you a beautiful young lady I'm glad Laurance found someone like you"

"Thanks Hayden" I said. "Please come in" Hayden gestured us to come in.

Laurance came up to me he hugged and kissed me and we sat down.

Me and Laurance held hands the entire time and we went up to his room after dinner.

"Damn Y/n you look sexy". "I could say the same about you" He grabbed my hips and pulled me into a kiss he wanted acsess but I teased him and dinied he grabbed my boob😂 and I gasped and he put his tounge in my mouth (U CAN STOP IF UR UNCOMFERTABLE) he pushed me on the bed and removed my dress(no not turning into a lemon) he took off his shirt and left me in my undergarments and him in his pants.
We heard a knock so I put back on my dress and Laurance put his shirt back on and we sat on the bed.

"Who is it?" Laurance said. "It's Zianna Y/n you're staying the night me your father a brouthers have some family to attend to we won't be back for two days don't try anything with Laurance" "Ok bye mom luv all of you"

"So your spending a night?" "Yea and?" "Well we get to sleep in the same bed" I slapped his face and kissed him where the mark was. "I'm sorry (Nickname)" "It's ok" "I'm going to take a shower" "Can I join" "No" I went in and came out in just a towel Cadenza offered me some of her clothes but Laurance insisted I wear his since they'll keep me warm.

He gave me a long sleeved shirt that fit to long but I wore it anyway and some basketball shorts.

I hoped in bed with him and snuggled into his chest.

"Sweet dreams Y/n"


But I didn't have sweet dreams

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