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We started making out and he wanted to take off my top but I didn't let him because Garroth Vlyad Mom Dad and basically the whole body squad would get mad. "Laurance not that far" "Sorry didn't know what I was doing" "It's fine" I giggled a kissed him.

We all got home and I had dance tommorrow so I had to get a good nights sleep.

I woke up extra early because I missed a lot of dance so I wanted to get a heads start.

I walk out the door and say bye to everyone and leave to dance

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I walk out the door and say bye to everyone and leave to dance.

Garroth POV
I texted Laurance to see if he wanted to come watch Y/n dance.

Garroth⚾️-Ayee Laurance want to come watch Y/n dance

Laurance💩-Does that mean I get to see her in booty shorts


Laurance💩-Just kidding,maybe😏

Garroth⚾️-Don't get to touchy ur glad my mom and dad approve of you only because your my freind.

Laurance💩-Thx ig what time u picking me up


Laurance💩-Ok bye

I turned off my phone and ate breakfast.

Time skip to 5

I got ready and picked Laurance and we headed to Y/n's dance studio.

Laurance POV
Garroth parked the car and I saw Y/n dancing she looked hot

Y/n saw me and she winked. "Damn Garroth your sister has a nice as..EYES YES EYES." "Touch her and your dead" "Already did"

Ik short but I want to work and my Travis X reader as much as possible so yea check it out if you haven't already

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