Makeup's and Divorce's

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(Don't play song)
Warning feels I'm this chapter be aware of feel if you are triggers easily by these things than watch out

I turned around and saw Dante...

I let a few tears slip and ran away into the children's playground.

Dante POV
I saw Y/n behind the tree but before I could say anything she just ran off.
"Y/n, y/n,y/n!" I wanted to apologize for everything


"Hey Dante" Nicole said "What do you want cheater" (Ik Dante cheated on Nicole but just pretend it's the other way around) "Can't I say hi to my best friend" "We're not even close to freinds Nicole" "Well I got a surprise" "Wh... And then she kissed me I got to say her kisses were good but I felt like I was doing something wrong. Then Y/n came out of some studio. I felt so stupid kissing Nicole back.


I didn't even want to look at Dante he knew I liked him and yet he kisses some wannabe in front of me. I sat down on a bench near the sandbox and sobbed quietly. And then Dante found me and ran towards me.

"What do you want BAKA!" "Please Y/n let me explain" "Oh so your just going to explain to me how much that kiss meant to you." "Y/n I would never hurt you on purpose" "WELL YOU DID!" And then he kissed me which calmed me down. "Y/n please.." "Ok fine" *Explains situation*

"Dante I had no idea I'm so sorry" he hugged me and I cried. "You were mad I get it and I'm glad you know the truth" "Now all you need to do is explain this to my brouthers and mom"
"What about your dad" "He's always on business trips so i doubt he'll care"

Then my brothers came up to me and Dante. "Dante get away from her!" Garroth yelled. "No guys it's ok we made up" "You better not hurt my sister again"Vlyad said "Ok ok I promise" Dante said a little spooked

I said bye to Dante and I kissed his cheek. Me and my brothers walked back home and just chilled. "So Y/n it's getting pretty late" Vlyad mentioned. "Yea what about it" "Can you sing me a song?" "Vlyad aren't you a little to old for a bedtime song" "Yea but I can't sleep" "Why?" "I heard mom screaming at dad on the phone and neither of them sounded happy" "Maybe one of them ate each others cupcake" I laughed. "Y/n this is serious I heard a word that can tear our family apart" "What was the word?" "Divorce".

Vlyad started to tear up and so did I.

"Vlayd nothing is going to happen I promise. "Thanks lil sis, so about that song.." "Fine I'll sing it only because your my favorite older bro" (Cue music sorry to lazy to put in lyrics😂 kill me now🔫)

I looked at Vlyad he was asleep i went up to bed and I stared at the ceiling.
Is daddy really going to leave us, what if he dosent want me anymore, what will happen to my brothers and mom, is my childhood memories coming back,? I had no idea so I just slept on it

Time skip

I wake up in the morning and it was time to get ready . I put on

I walk down to smell the scent of toast

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I walk down to smell the scent of toast. "Hello sweetie" "Hi mom" "Where's dad" "He left early but he left this for you" she handed me

"Omi it's beautiful why did he get this for me?" "Sweetheart can you go get your brothers I need to talk to all of you" "Ok" I was kind of nervous

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"Omi it's beautiful why did he get this for me?" "Sweetheart can you go get your brothers I need to talk to all of you" "Ok" I was kind of nervous

Time skip

"Mom you called us" Garroth said "Yes guys I have to tell you all something" Mom said "Me and your father are getting divorced" I wanted to cry that's why he gave me this ring. "How come" I say letting a few tears slip. "Well you see father spent so many hours at work that he never had time for us, so he said it's better if we got separated" All of us were crying even Zane. "Boy's father left something for y'all

 "Boy's father left something for y'all

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We all got up and hugged eachother. "Will we get to see him again?" "Actually...." And then I see dad at the door way. All of us well expect mom go and hug him. "Dad you can't leave us" Vlyad said. "I'm so sorry guys I'll visit and invite y'all over to the house but not on a daily basics" "Daddy you can't leave me" "Im so sorry princess" "We're going to miss you" We all said "I know boys you'll always be my princes and
Y/n you'll always be my princess..." (Guys I'm crying) "He grabbed his things and headed off. "I ran into my room crying of my dad leaving me. You'll always be my princess I guess that's why he got me a ring with a tirra on it. I felt my phone vibrate.


D-Hey Y/n I heard what happened I'm so sorry

Y-He just left us like that

D-At least you got to say goodbye

Y-Yea well I want to go back to sobbing

D-Ok bye

I felt like trash that someone threw away. Did I just loose my only father in my life

You'll always be my princess kept replaying over and over in my head...

I know the feels I'm so sorry I just needed some good ideas this happened to me and to other people in happend to it gets better  just look on the positive side of things and you'll find your way. Ok it's 1:04am where I live I'm not even supposed to be up 😂 so yea bye bubbles🙊✌🏼️💜

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