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I woke up and smelled pancakes. I saw dad,Zane,Garroth,and Vlyad sitting at the table waiting for me. "Sorry I slept in" I told them. "It's ok" they all said.

We finished breakfast and put on the clothes I brought from the house and get ready for school

We finished breakfast and put on the clothes I brought from the house and get ready for school

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I put on my ring and necklace and headed downstairs. "Bye daddy" I have him a hug and he gave me a kiss on the head. The boys did the same and we walked to school.

We got to school and I saw Ivy and her group I just looked away and went to my homeroom.

I met up with Dante at Math and we just talked and the teacher didn't notice.

Time skip to end of school to the date

I met up with my brouthers and we walked back home.

"Hey guys how was school? Mom asked us. "Just the usual" I said. "I met a cute girl" Vlyad said. They kept talking and I was getting ready for my date with Dante. I picked out my dress on mom put my makeup on and did my hair

 I picked out my dress on mom put my makeup on and did my hair

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"I walked downstairs to show my brouthers how I looked. "Wow Y/n you look beautiful" Garroth said. "Thanks Garroth. "Alright sweetheart let's go"

We drove to dads house and he got in the car.

"Y/n if he hurts you tell me" "I swear you and Vlyad are like twins😂" "Just looking out for you" "I know thanks dad"

Mom pulled up to Dantes house and I we knocked on the door and Dante's mom answered. "Oh you must be Y/n Dante's told me so much about you" "Really woah I hope they were good" I giggle. "He said you were sweet,smart,pretty,funny and a lot more" I nodded and blushed and my mom and dad I sat on the couch and waited for Dante.

He walked into the living. "Wow Y/m you look stunning" I blushed and giggled. "You look good to Dante"

 "You look good to Dante"

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Dantes clothes⬆️

"Have her back 10:00pm" Dad said. "Yes sir" Dante said. "Have fun princess" he kissed me cheek and so did mom and they left.

Dante and I left in his car and I turned on the radio and sang a song

"Wow Y/n you sing great" "So do you" "Yea but I don't like to show anyone" "You showed me" "But you won't make fun of me" "Dante if your freinds make fun of you those aren't your freinds and I'll hurt them" I crack knuckles. "You act like Katelyn" "Yea...I guess" "Something wrong?" "No I'm fine"

Dante took me to this place called "Eddie V's" (yes there is a place called this) and we ordered lobster and and crab. And left.

He pulled into my driveway it was 10:00pm. But who cares. "Y/n I had fun" "Me to" "See you at school" "Yea"
He kissed me and we made out and he touched my butt. It was 10:20pm now.

"Bye Dante" I hopped out the car and waved goodbye he waved back. I walked into the house to find my parents and brouthers with their arms crossed since its was past 10:00pm. "So....." I said.

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