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Another installement to bring another twist to the tale! I've been working on the ending and I have changed it around a few times, but I'm loving each new revision more and more as it develops. This piece is dedicated to Pennywithaney, someone most of you will know very well in this community. I hit a slump with this project not too long ago and she has really been the reason I picked it up again and am so into it and proud of it now. She has been so positive and encouraging as well as being an awesome writer and I have her to thank for everything, so if you have not checked out her stuff already (where have you been?!) then do it!

Thanks for stopping by!

"Did you bring it?"

The room was dimly lit, but there was enough to show the disarray of the surroundings. The once white tiles were covered in a layer of greenish scum, and the mould grew in furry mounds from every corner. Cobwebs encrusted test tubes and equipment littered the desks, and anatomical diagrams filled the walls. The smell of damp became almost a taste as Duke Charming stepped precariously through the plastic curtains into the laboratory to join his dishevelled wild eyed companion.

"It's here, don't worry." He waved a rolled up tube of paper at the man stood in front of him. Stood was a loose way to describe it. Dr. Ermitage was a spindly skeletal form of a man almost bent double, his long greying hair covering one of his eyes, the other a piercing blue that seemed to shine through the murkiness and bear into Charming, making him want to look away or else feel decidedly uncomfortable. This was unusual. Charming had not felt uncomfortable in a long time. He had buried that emotion long ago; when he sold his partners out or incriminated them in order to get ahead; when he encouraged his wealthy wife to gain weight knowing he would gain sympathy from the Senate for it and have special 'services' made available to satisfy needs perhaps she could not longer acquiest to as a result; more recently using old test subject organs and skin to improve the performance of his clockwork products, yes Charming had buried feeling uncomfortable long ago. And yet Ermitage made him feel so. He lowered his gaze and took care not to step on a toad that hopped in front of his pristine shoes as he stepped towards the operating table. Handing one end to the scientist, he rolled out the sheet and hooked it on the other end of the table, his lace sleeve catching on one of the restraints. He grimaced as a cockroach ran across his hand and frantically brushed it away. Ermitage laughed.

"Don't try to squash it Charming. He will only come back at you stronger. Death is not our business here." He turned back to the image they had just rolled out. 

It was Lily. Naked.

"Ahh. Perfect. Having a map always helps when one embarks upon an unchartered journey." Laughing at his own irony, Ermitage took a pen from his pocket and began to draw lines and crosses on Lily's sleeping body.

"You will need to bring her down here soon. I will need to inspect her properly before we undertake this."

"Of course, of course."

"She does not have to be conscious. We just need to...inspect her thoroughly. No chance of contamination that way."

Charming watched as Ermitage drew an elaborate array of injection points onto his youngest daughter. "And how much will the final cheque be, Ermitage?"

Stopping his eager dance, the scientist looked up at his client, the piercing blue eye doing all the intimidation for him. He really was almost inhuman, thought Charming. But he had a clear vision. He respected that. He was also wealthy. Charming respected that even more. He was a business man after all.

"You will get your money, Charming, don't you worry. She will be perfect. You should be proud of this one."

Pride. Charming had never considered that. He tried. It didn't work.

"Well make sure we do. I want it by the end of the month. I don't want you backing out of this if doesn't work how you want it to. She's not some lab rat."

"Oh you care now Charming?" Ermitage stepped up close to Charming, his spindly frame towering over the squat stature of the Duke, piercing down upon him like a sword in a very soft and spineless stone. "Anyone would think she meant something to you."

"Sarcasm doesn't suit you Ermitage." The Duke coughed away his nervousness and turned to leave. "So we have a deal? I will bring her here in three weeks. That's the night before the wedding."

"That will do nicely. And Charming?"


"Your other commodity. The one that knows too much."


"Is she dealt with? Is she still rebelling?"

"She is gone. She has nothing more to do with us."

"Good. Because if I find she is around, I have many tests I need to run."


"And your cheque will be invalidated."

For the first time since he entered the rancid laboratory, Charming felt genuine fear.

"She will be no issue. I promise you."

"Good. For the happy ever after. Now run along Charming. I'm sure your princesses at the palace will be awaiting your pleasure."

"How did you-?"

"I know a lot Charming. And asking for a pink cheque service means you are paying for Palace services. Educated guessing is the basis of science, so I'm rather good at it." Ermitage winked. "For the happy ever after, Charming."

"For the happy ever after." Charming swiftly drew the plastic curtain behind him and made off down the damp dark corridor. Behind him, echoing through the tunnels, Ermitage sang, his shrill voice eerily bouncing from wall to wall, fading to a squeaked whisper as he walked further away.

"Ring o ring o roses

A pocket full of posies

A tissue

A tissue

We all stand tall

For ever



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