An Amicable Affair

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The sun was a tantalising glimmer through the shaded parasol Lily was trapped beneath. As she made every effort to keep up with Julian's energetic stride, she began to appreciate how much of a toll her parents' actions had taken on her body. Every few steps she had to bite back a wince, and as she engaged in conversation her breathing became rattled with the strain put on her lungs of talking and walking. After a short walk along the side of the river, chatting and laughing about nothing, Julian grasped her hand tightly, turning to look at her and blocking the sun from her pale face.

"How is it today?"

Lily gave a weak smile and shrugged. What was the point in discussing it? Everyone went through it and it hurt for all of them. She had given up on self pity long ago. She was just thankful her features had not been those of Ariel. Those poor girls had their legs bandaged throughout childhood and spent at lest six hours a day in water, encouraged to hold their breath for longer and longer underwater.. If they had not drowned by the time they reached the age of the rescuing, they faced a deadly infection of their bound legs or the embarrassment of being unbound for the presentation dance and being unable to walk, having never learnt. No, Lily had it easy compared to those girls. Still, she couldn't hep but shake the feeling she was coming down with something. The fresh air was meant to help her re-energise but it just seemed to emphasise her weakness.

"I am greatly enjoying your company, Lord Julian. That is all we need to discuss about the matter." She brushed off the concern with a flawless smile, biting back a wince once again as her brittle and weak bones groaned and ground with the strain of movement. Julian wrinkled his nose in concern.

"Lily. Your health is of utmost importance to me. You have to look after yourself."

"My parents insist on this regime. They want what is best for me after all."

"Well I do to. I have become a little concerned with their activities. They can slow things down. After all, you are utterly perfect."

Lily felt odd. After all, Julian had always been meant for Hannah and she didn't want to see him in that way. But as he kissed her hand and said such kind words about her, she started to see him in a different light. One of compassion and security. Someone who really looked out for her. No one had ever done that except Hannah, and she didn't know how to deal with it. She was lost all at once in the presence of the handsome young man who cared so much.

"But Hannah"

A cloud crossed Julian's face for a moment and Lily could tell of the internal struggle within him.

"I know, and it is hard for me. And I am sure it will be hard for her too. But it's been nearly two weeks with no word from her, and I don't know if I will ever see her again. And if I do, she is branded a murderer and my uncle will never allow it." He sighed and moved close to Lily. "Lily, I know this must be hard for you as well, but that night at the ball was a whirlwind for your sister and I, and it was over almost as soon as it began. With you there's...well there's something different. Something deeper and more long lasting. I feel like...I feel like I need you. You complete me somehow. Everything I have fought for in my life, everything that makes me happy and will make me happy somehow comes down to you. I've seen it more and more these past few days. I feel it stronger all the time. I know you must think me a fool and so fickle but...I think I am falling in love with you, Lily."

He kissed her. Lily was too shocked to respond. She was brought to her senses by the flashes of cameras from the winged reporters that suddenly appeared.

They ran away from the reporters so no comments were made. But the kiss had been seen. It would be printed and Hannah would find out. Lily could not help but feel bad. But where was she? If only she could speak to her...the emotion of it all got too much and she blacked out, leaving Julian the long riverside walk and plenty of photo opportunity to carry her delicate body back to her parents' house.

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