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 When I woke up the first thing I thought was of people who's life's were ruined because of me my second was great school. I had no idea how I was meant to turn my self into little miss popular in one day. For some people that kind of thing would be easy for me it wasn't.

 I mean Coulson could have picked Emily Lawson who could have been a supermodel or Chirsty Brown who seemed to charm people without trying. Instead he picked the girl who the victim of the school bullies.

 I took the school bus to school. I looked okay by the way typical  but looking alright by the type of style I hated. I was hoping someone would go and talk to me but of course nobody did. I did notice a couple of guys notice me.

 After I got of the bus I had to go to my form. The school was way smaller than Shield High. I noticed a pretty girl who looked confident. 

"Hi" I said to her

"Hi" said the girl

"Um I'm new do you know the way to Miss Mortez room" I asked

  "You our" she asked

"Ella Simmons" I replied

"Haven't seen you around before" said the girl who seemed hostile I mean it was like she was quizzing me I suppose it was something to do with the murders making me feel scared

 "I just got here from  California" I said

"Really I want to go to collage there  I'm Becca" said the girl

I walked to form with Becca and a few of Becca friends.

"What do you have first" Becca asked


"So so I" said a girl with blond hair "with Mr Watson"

"So do  I" I said "Do you mind walking with me"

The girl looked relcuntent but shot a quick look at Becca. Becca gave a tiny nod.

"Sure" said the girl

I didn't like her. The five friends of Becca I dicided I didn't like. I didn't like Becca that much either. Becca was nice enough but it seemed like her friends did everything she said and in the sense they didn't do anything that Becca wouldn't like.

 Form was okay. People noticed me. I caught at least eight people glancing at me. Everyone was sitting in groups and whispering. I wondered if they were scared about the killer. Okay that was stupid of course they were.

  Becca's friend was waiting outside my form room. "Hi come on" she said

  Becca's friend was saying the right things but her smile was to bright. It was pretty clear that if it wasn't for Becca she would ignore me and wouldn't even talk to me.

"What's your name" I asked her

 The girl didn't speak for a second and it seemed like she thought taking to me required an effot.

"Sophie" she said brushing a few strands of blond hair of her face.

 She walked to England to me but as soon as she saw a couple of other girls.

"McKenzie, Amy" she cried going off to join two girls

 I had gym second lesson. I found my self there quite easily. I saw Becca and her friends.

"Hay" said Becca

"Hi" I said

"How was English" I asked

"Fine" I said truthfully I mean I just did the work and it wasn't to hard

"Jessica" McKenzie asked one of Becca's friends "Got that C.D" I asked

 Jessica grabbed a C.D out of her bag. "Give it back Monday"

"Thanks" said McKenzie

I changed into a t shirt and shorts and went to the gym. We warmed up and then we had to pair up. McKenzie partened up with the tiny dark haired girl. Becca paired up with one of her friends. She shot a look at Jess.

"Want to work together" said Jessica casting a look another girl

"Sure" I said decieding I didn't like Jessica either.

"Jess" a girl cried "Want to work together"

"Sorry Meghan" said Jessica "I'm working with the new girl" she said, she said it brightly and cheerfully but I can tell that she would rather work with the other girl Meghan

Jessica was nicer than McKenzie. Jessica a ball and we started to throw and catch.

"Do you want to collage in California" Jessica asked me without any tone of interest in her voice

"I'm going to be in a sophomore in two weeks time believe me when I say have not considered collage" I said

 Jessica actually smiled "Neither have I actually"

"Well I guess if I had to pick a collage it would be in Malibu or something god I love it there" I said

"Oh I wanted to go there" said Jessica and this time she didn't sound like she was being forced to talk to me

"I lived there it was so much nicer than California" I said knowing that Jessica was probly going to agree

 "Lucky bitch I would have loved to live there" said Jessica enviously

"Mabey your go to collage there" I said half joking

"Oh please" sighed Jessica "Our go to collage in California I mean I can't go to Becca's collage but our go to one near" 

"Becca's picked her collage now I feel bad about my plan to pick a collage two weeks before the end of senior year" I joked

 Jessica laughed but I could see in her eyes she didn't trust me. 

"She want's to go to this really elite dance school, Becca's amazing at dance" Jessica told me sounding slightly jealous

  We spend the entire gym lesson doing partner work. I still didn't like Jessica much. It was because of stuff she said.

"Oh you see her over there the really ugly girl with dark brown hair" said Jessica pointing her out after about twenty minuets into the lesson

"Yes what about her" I asked "Well you should to get to know people around here she is a massive slut I mean look at her she tries to steal people's boyfriends she thinks she's so amazing" said Jessica rolling her eyes

 I wondered what made this girl a slut. I mean Jessica wasn't a slut but she looked more like a slut than the other girl. The other girl's T shirt was slightly tight but it was old and faded giving me the idea she just grabbed one that didn't fit. Her short's were  well short but no shorter than most of the girls.

We talked about the murders for a bit.   They all said it was someone in the school

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