Chapter 18: Monster

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"Raven?" Drew's eyes grew wide as she saw me. I looked around and saw Niall and Harry in the back of the room. Marcel was in the middle of the room looking exhausted and bloody. Drew had a clicker in her hand and the screen had a video of Niall and I making out.

"Mind explaining what the fuck is going on?" I felt anger running through my veins as I stepped farther in the room. Harry looked like he was panicking the more I was there.

"Well, now that the cat's out the bag," Drew started. Her heels clicked on the floor as she walked closer to me. "We're just giving Marcel a taste of his own medicine. He's been in control for too long and I want to slowly and painfully take that from him." I never heard Drew's voice sound so cold and... emotionless.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Drew? When did you start doing this?" Drew's cold eyes met mine. She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by Harry.

"Uh, Maybe we should go out in the living room and talk." He suggested. Drew nodded and walked out the door with Niall and Harry trailing behind like puppies. I took a deep breath and ran towards the man in the middle of the room.

I looked at Marcel. He was bruised, bloody, and exhausted.

What have I done?

"Marcel?" I called his name softly. I hated how pathetic I sounded. What kind of monster am I?

"No, don't talk to me. You promised me. You made me trust you. You made me give myself completely to you. My vulnerable and broken side was present to you and this is how you treated me. Don't try to fucking talk to me. I knew I shouldn't have trusted a worthless bitch." His voice sounded scratchy and rough. He sounded and looked exhausted.

His words stabbed me because I knew it was true.

I did this to him.

I broke him.

And I have to try to fix this.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know they were going to do this! I thought they were just trying to stop your plan to kill people." I wrapped my arms around his bare torso. I felt years spilling out of my eyes and I rested my head on his neck.

"I told you this before, I'm not a murderer. You're fucking bestie is the real psychopath. She killed those girls, not me. Just because I said they deserved it doesn't mean I did it. Get off me, Raven. Just leave." I wanted to stay there on my knees with my arms holding on to Marcel. I wanted him to hug me back. But I did as he said.

As I was walking out of the basement out the basement, my anger grew. I wanted nothing more than to strangle three people in particular.

"Start fucking explaining, now." I demanded as I walked in the living room. Drew stood up and walked towards me. Her heels clicking against the hardwood floor was the only sound at the moment.

"It's a little game, Raven. We used you to get to Marcel. While he was busy with you, we got some very important information. He didn't kill anyone, I'm sure he's told you." She looked amused at my flaming hot face. I was beyond pissed. "Yes, what he told you was true. I killed those girls on the news, they were apart of this game also. I killed the people Marcel didn't care about that way you get suspicious. We needed to get you to go along or else he would have been ten times as careful with his information. It was already a handful to get it but now I can have complete control over a lot of people and I can finally kill Marcel." My heart stopped at the sound of that. Killing Marcel?

"Wait, when was this apart of the plan?" Harry said with a shocked face. He looked at me with a sympathetic face.

"So, thank you Raven." she ignored Harry and started clapping. My anger fueled up even more at the stupid smile on her face. I punched her in the nose. How badass of me. She stumbled back holding her nose. Her wide eyes met mine as she clutched her nose.

"You bitch!" she screeched and charged after me. She ran into me and sent us on the floor. I hit the ground with a painful thud with her on top of me. She raised her fist and punched me in the stomach. The air left my body as she kept going. Do something, Raven! I held my hand out and caught her fist. I quickly threw my legs up and kneed her in the back. She let out a painful groan and her grip on me loosened. I threw her off of me ms climbed over her.

"I'm going to kill you!" she yelled in my face. Her face was red and she looked like a complete maniac. This was my best friend... I shook my head and got off her.

"I'm getting Marcel and we're leaving." I said as I walked to the basement door. I was about to open the door when a body tackled me on the ground and I heard a huge boom. A body landed on top of mine as we collided with the floor. I opened my eyes and saw Marcel over me. He immediately got off me and pulled out a gun. He was pointing it at someone across the room.

"Stay down." He commanded me.

"No, let her up Marcel so I can shoot her in between the eyes." I heard Drew's cold voice say.

"You pull the trigger on her and a single bullet will rip through your throat with another behind it." His voice was void of any emotion. He was completely serious.

"Why are you even defending her? She betrayed you, remember?" She yelled.

"Yeah, I remember. But you were her best friend and you betrayed her and since I love her, you're betraying me too. You're a selfish, annoying little bitch." He lowered his gun slightly. He loves me?

"Come on, Marcel. You don't love her, she's a whore. She's a sl-" Her sentence was cut short by a bullet piercing the air. Marcel put his gun down and looked at me.

"Did you kill her?" I asked quietly. She may have been a psychotic bitch but she was still once my best friend.

"No. I just shot her in the neck with a tranquilizer gun. She could wake up in hell for all I care." He responded coldly.

"Uh, Marcel?" I got up from where I was and saw Harry. Niall wasn't anywhere to be seen. "I'm sorry. I didn't know she was going to go that far." He nervously scratched the back of his neck. Marcel's angry expression stayed as he raised a different gun.

"I should lodge this bullet in your heart." Harry's face grew pale at his words. "But I'm not. Consider yourself lucky, just stay away from me." He threw the gun at Harry's stomach with full force.

A/N: The ending is near !!! But I have a sequel already forming in my head and I love the idea!

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