Chapter 8: Broken

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I never thought I would feel this way about myself. I was always the good girl, I didn't give into my sexual temptations. Only once and I thought I was at the top of the world at thirteen. But I don't think that anymore.

Marcel was turning me into a whore and I was walking into every door he opened.

I needed to stop and get as far away from Marcel as I could.

"What did you just say?" Marcel's angry face was over mine.

Get away from this, Raven. This isn't you.

"What the fuck am I doing?" I mumbled underneath him.

"What?" His face was slightly red from me not answering.

"Get off of me, Marcel. I'm not like this and I want you to get the fuck out of my house." The sudden realization made me angry. Why am I acting like this? I was pissed off at myself and at Marcel.


"No?! I'm not playing, Marcel. You're making me something I'm not and I don't like it! Take me one hundred percent serious when I say this: I don't want anything to do with you." I honestly thought he was a sweet guy. He had the nerdy look and the deep voice when I first met him.

"Raven," his face calm and I thought that he finally got the message. "I can't believe you just said that." he got off of me, which I was kind of sad about, and walked to my kitchen.

What the fuck?

A loud crash was heard with more shattering crashes.

I ran to the kitchen worried that Marcel hurt himself.

But as always, life is a bitch.

"You think you're going to leave me?! I fucking own you!" There was glass everywhere.

Only one word popped in my head:


And that's exactly what I did.

I ran out of the kitchen and went up the stairs.

"Raven!" His heavy footsteps were heard behind me. They were close.

I ran down the hallway, as fast I could. My heart was beating so loudly, I could hear it in my ears. The fear of what he was about to do was my motivation to keep running.

"Raven, I swear to god, if you don't stop running!" I didn't hear the rest of what he said because I ran into my bedroom and tried closing the door as fast as I could.

Keyword: tried.

He pushed against the door and I fell back on the floor. I looked up and saw Marcel slam the door and locked it.

"Why are you running away from me?" His face looked hurt. Like he was actually sad that I ran away.

"You need fucking counseling!" He needs help. There's something wrong with him, I just don't know what.

"You need to watch your mouth!" he suddenly snapped. "You need to learn that your just a worthless whore who belongs to me."

How did I get myself into this mess called Marcel?

I was trying to help a poor, defenseless boy with glasses and gelled hair.

Where is he now?

He climbed over me, keeping me trapped underneath him.

"Marcel, do both of us a favor and leave me the fuck alone."

It's obvious he has anger issues and so do I, that's a huge catastrophic mess just waiting to happen.

"Listen, bitch," he slammed his hands on the floor beside my head. I flinched. "You belong to me. I do whatever I want to you because you're mine."

He's really starting to scare me. What if he loses control and actually hits me?

"Are you shaking?" His eyes were scanning my shaking body. The thought of him hitting me were taking a toll on me. "Do you think I'm going to.... h-hit you?"

I closed my eyes, trying to control my breathing since it went haywire with fear.

"Raven," I didn't answer. I just wanted him off of me. I felt his hands on my wrists, pinning them above my head. But I kept my eyes forced shut. "Raven, please look at me." his voice was shaken. He sounded broken. I opened my eyes when I felt something wet on my cheek.

"Oh my gosh, Marcel." He was crying. Marcel... Was crying.

"Please don't leave me. Please, I-I don't know what I would do without you. I'm a very messed up person, you don't even know. You're too innocent to know about all the bad stuff that I did. You're helping me through it," he buried face in my neck. "Please Raven, please. I-I-I." He broke down in sobs. Slowly, I wrapped my arms around him.

The Mystery of Marcel...

Still remains.

Just because he showed me his vulnerable side...

Doesn't mean I'm going to stay.

A/N: Short :/ I don't know why I can't make a long chapter lol

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