Logan leaned back, stretching as he casually rested his hands behind his head. I eyed him for a moment before asking, "What happened with your parents?"

The question didn't seem to upset him, but as his dark haired eyebrow quirked up I knew he hadn't expected it. "Didn't we already cover this?"

"Well yes," I admitted, "but-"

"Jared flew the coop," he cut me off calmly, lowering his hands back to his sides, "then came back on a whim and everything went to hell."

Hearing him talk so cooly made me grimace slightly. I'd known Logan's father nearly my entire life. How he could do what Logan was accusing him of was simply unbelieveable. It was too out of character for the man I knew. "Yeah, I remember what you told me," I acknowledged with a tiny nod, "but still, that just doesn't sound like the Jared I know."

"Well maybe you don't know him very well, cuz it's the truth," he responded flatly, his icey blue eyes making me scowl along with him. 

"And you do?" I snapped back, the question just hanging in the air. He didn't respond, and I realized that I was taking the conversation a direction I hadnt wanted to; towards a fight. I furrowed my brows, taking in his grim expression. "How did he do it?" I asked instead, trying to salvage my original plan of learning more about him. 

Logan relaxed the slightest bit, a small frown passing over his face. "He left before I was even born. Got my mom pregnant and then left."

"How did you find out he was your real father?"

He tilted his head, peering at me with cold interest. "Why all the questions? Are you writing a book on me or something?"

"Is this too personal for you?" I asked, issuing a challange I knew he couldn't pass up accepting. "If it is I can-"

"They were highschool sweethearts," he cut me off, shrugging ever so slightly. "He knocked her up then left when the going got tough. That's all there is to it."

We looked up in sync as our waitor returned the moment the last word left Logan's mouth, setting a slice of apple pie in front of Logan. "You pie and your check," he said in a friendly tone, placing the black check folder on the table between us instead of handing it to Logan. He'd caught the vibe early on that this wasn't a date. Probably around the same time Logan had called me a garbage disposal when I had ordered the 'Killer Burger' as it had been aptly named. "Anything else I can get you tonight?"

"No, I think we're good," I answered, trying not to laugh. Logan had already begun to eat his dessert, too focused on his food to even acknowlegde our waitor. "Thank you," I added with a smile. 

Moments after he disappeared Logan was extending a forkful of his apple pie my way. "You have to try it," he insisted, a glitter in his blue eyes as he held the morsal still for me. I sighed but smiled nonetheless, reaching for the offered fork only for it to be swiftly pulled out of reach. "Ah ah," he scolded me, smirking maliciously, "open up."

As always, I seemed to find my lips pursed as I shot him an unamused glare. "I'm not two years old, I can feed myself."

Logan's smirk remained plastered on his face. His eyebrows were raised, making his expression hold a look of amusement. Once more he offered the serving forward saying only, "Open wide."

I gave in easily, letting him lean forward across the table to feed me the small bite as I opened my mouth. He placed the food on my tongue and I closed my mouth, wrapping my lips aroung the fork as he slowly pulled it away. Our eyes never so much as blinked, staying locked onto each other's gaze.

The sweet apple-cinnamon flavor made me let out a "mmm" before chewing the perfectly sized bite I'd just been fed. "What's the crunch?" I asked, surprised as a crisp almost cool flavor mixed in with the rest. "It's delicious."

For Hating Me You Sure Are PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now