The last letters

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Layla POV

Jack, John and I were grinning maniacally and by look of Daisy's face she was creeped out. I laughed internally even if we were currently situated at a foggy place with a creepy pshyco following us. Yeah , no problem.

We were so happy that we started dancing (me), howling (jack) and shouting incoherent words (john).

We then again spread out and continued searching. I noticed Daisy's dissapointed frown and can't help but grin.

I knew  it!!

I so knew she had a little crush on Jack. The reason as to Daisy's dissapointed facial expression is because we decided to change partners so now I'm stuck with Jack while Daisy is stuck with John.

Poor her.

We quickly chose different directions. Earlier, John and I headed towards East and Daisy and Jack went towards West. Now Jack and I are heading towards north while John and Daisy are searching the southern part of the forest.

Creak.... Creak....

The chirping of the grasshoppers gave a tranquill effect. Jack held my hand , smiling at me. I gave him a smile and we walked together hand in hand.

To people passing by , we probably look like a couple but we know that this is just a bestfriend thing. Wait Who would come by in this place anyways? Zombies?

Yeah right.

Hey who's this?

Your damn conscience thats who!


How come I never talked to you before?

Cause your stupidity just makes me angry and today your just pissing me off

Ummm... okay?

We searched high and low and I could feel that we don't have enough time before he comes.

We quickened our pace of searching. Without me knowing , I walked too far. Too far that I could not find Jack anymore.

Sweat formed on my brow. I could feel perspiration sliding down my back. The cold ,dark night only adding to the anxiety I was feeling.

I took in a large breath and exhaled. I gulped and rubbed my hands on my bare arms , trying to create friction.

"Jack!" I called. Praying to lord that he would answer.

"Jack!" I called out a little louder. I turn to see a man with very skinny arms and legs. His face completely blank. Its like I can't look away. I forced my head not to look at him and ran the way I came from. While running as fast as I can , I look back to see the skinny man gone. I sigh in relief when I bumped something hard.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!!" I screamed when a hand covered my mouth. Lessening the loudness of my scream. I look up and saw Jack. I took his hand off and slapped his chest.

"What's wrong with you??? I was so damn scared." I yelled at him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you but we don't want slender man coming for us." Jack explained.

"Oh... okay"

"Come on lets go and find the last letters." I nodded and we searched, this time I made sure I was near Jack at all times.

Near a clearing I noticed an old shack we've never seen before. I did a head motion for him to look at it.

He took a while for his vision is narrow. As soon as he saw it he grabbed my arm, dragging me towards it.

"Come on!" He whisper-yelled excitedly. Is there such a thing? Whispering yet yelling?? Well I will never know.

As our footsteps slowed down, I saw another letter. I took it in my hands and read:

'Die at my hands' 

The night silenced. Everything was so quiet. Too quiet. The sound of the crickets vanished. I took a big step away from the post and turned towards the way Jack is.

I walked hastily , trying to get away from the shack . It felt ... weird. Like something was in there. Jack following my lead.

And who was that mysterious man?

A lot of panting and running later, we finally reached the area where we are supposed to meet.


I turn my head 90° east to find something walking our way.

I prepared my guns. Jack in his fighting stance. We waited.

"Aaaaaaargghh!!" We shouted our battle cry and headed towards the bush. Attacking at every angle.

"Ow ow ow ow! Hey watch it!" Aaid the intruding creature of darkne- Wait 'Ow ow ow'??? Thats not a creature. Its-

I steady my hand and Jack stopped his brutal attacks. Daisy and John come out with pissed(John) and annoyed(Daisy) looks.

"Really?!" Daisy huffed.

"Hehe... Sorry." I apologize sheepishly. She sighed and gave me a tired smile.

"Its fine. Just NEVER do that again!" She glared. "Yeah , yeah." I said , holding my hands up.

"We found one letter." Jack said showing the letter we found in that creepy shack.

"We found two." John said in a boastful way. Jack and John glared at each other while I was counting how many letters we have. Daisy smiled. We high-fived, grinning from ear to ear.

The boys were jumping up and down like kids. We giggled and watched them.

I look up the sky to see that it was almost dawn. I smiled. In your blank ugly face slenderman.

Hey peeps! So Sorry for not updating in a while. Been busy with school and stuff. :) So hope you like it. Tell me if you find something wrong or interesting.

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