A cool new school

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Layla, that's my name. Sorry for the late introduction I was busy staring at my new awesome house.  

So now I'm going to school and I'm so excited . That I'm not even nervous.

After I took a bath , I checked the clock for the time and I'm happy that it says '6:25' am Because class starts at 8 am.

I run to the dinning room which is also pretty because of it diamond-like floor and gleaming gold curtains that were on the side so you can see the beautiful view of a valley of lilies and roses.

While I was waiting for the food to be cooked by mom I noticed at the far end of the hallway there is a door that was locked by wood and rusty doorknob. I stood up from my seat to open the door but I stopped when my mom called that breakfast is ready.

It turned out that our breakfast this morning is going to be left over meat loaf. How cliche.

Anyways I ate in an over average speed. After that I kiss my mom on the cheek and tell good bye to my dad and head off to my car.

I start the engine and watch as I drive by different looking houses and cafes . They all looked magnificent and exquisite. I totally was in love with this place.

I finally reached school which looked better than my old one but the people from my old school will always be in my heart.

I entered the school and saw a boy who looked hot. He has blonde hair , blue eyes and a toned body. The typical hottie.

But the odd thing he was walking my way

"Hey Im new do you know where class A12 is? "He asked in a very sexy voice.

"Uuuuuuh ..."was my very smart reply.

He chuckled and said "Are you new like me too?" I nodded.

"Are we in the same class?"He asked. I remember memorizing my class and nodded. He held out his hand. And I looked at it with confusion.

"Take my hand, lets search the school together." I took it and we were off. We passed by class rooms and hallways until we found the classroom.

We entered it and I felt everyone staring at me , which gave me shivers.

I wasn't nervous ,no , I felt scared and it wasn't because I was in a new school but their stare and smile were eery.

"Hi I'm Layla Morge , nice to meet you." I say without showing them I was scared.

Then Mr hottie-cute stranger finally said his name.

"My name is Jack Spait, nice to meet you."

The teacher looked like the students, with an eery stare and smiling she told us to take our seats.

We did and soon became bestfriends.

After classes , I said bye to Jack and drove home.

I soon reached home and slept.

This place is awesome.

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