The third , fourth and fifth letters and love

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A/n I dont care anymore if you guys dont comment or vote there people who want me to upload so I am. Hope you enjoy.

Daisy POV

Pride burned in me as I found the second letter but it slowly dissipated as I heard Layla's silent shrill that we are screwed.

Jack took a glance at me and it made my heart beat a thousand times faster.

Ever since I met him, my heart would beat so fast I couldn't breath , blood would rush to my face making me look like tomato ketchup and I would be tongue tied.

I looked away, fully aware of the redness in my cheeks. Layla looked at me and gave me a knowing look. My face burned twice as hot as before.

I looked away again, and focused on the task at hand.

"Yo, Daisy where are you going?" Jack asked me. While I try to ignore him. Key word is try.

"We need to hurry, we have no time to delay." I told him seriously but I was actually melting inside.

He nodded. "Let me search with you."

I looked at him with surprise etched on my face but quicky gave him a sincere smile. We searched together.

While I was searching the opposite side but same direction . I could feel a weird aura lingering close by. To be honest, this place gives me the creeps that I want to sh*t in my pants.

I looked down to see my worn out jeans, reminiscing the jolly and sad memories it held. Like when it was first given to me on my birthday or when I spilled Dr. Pepper on the day I received my first kiss.

We search through out our side of the forest when I saw an odd figure in the middle of the dark mist.

I walked closer, bringing out my guns to see a faceless being. With long arms and legs the same shade as the moonless night and face blank like a white bond paper. He/She was just standing there with his inhuman arms and legs nonetheless something really familiar about him...

I ignored him/her and quickly went pass him, searching for more letters. Although something in the back of my mind was nagging me, telling me to remember the creep.

When I heard Layla's excited squeal that she found a letter, followed by John shouting about the same reason and again followed by Jack.

So I turned around to see the man/woman gone. He dissappeared. I gulped and headed straight towards jack. Sauntering away quickly.

Was that Slenderman? No thats impossible.

Jack and I walked together towards the rest. Jack was fist pumping, chicken dancing and howling all the way. I laughed at his antics and suddenly he stopped moving all of the sudden.

"Are you ok?"

He looked at me with a certain glint in his eyes. " Your laugh... sounds really beautiful" I could feel my blush sky rocket.

"R-R-Really? T-T-Thanks-s" I stammered. I internally face-palmed myself. He probably thinks I'm an idiot.

We reached everyone with Jack grinning excitedly and I was blushing, embarassed of earlier's event.

Before we could all form a circle , Jack went over to me and whispered to my ear. His breath fanning my neck making me shiver in a really good way . " By the way, what I said earlier was true. Your laugh is beautiful."

He then scooted over and sat beside John , who was staring love struck at Layla.

Maybe this day isn't so bad after all.

We all gathered around and reas what was on the three letters currently found.

'I'm here'

' No eyes, Im always watching'

And the last paper where in a face was drawn on it using blood from the smell of it. My face scrunched up. I hated the smell of blood but no one knew that but me.

"We just need 3 more!" Layla gushed, excited we will be free from this excruciating experience.

"Yeah" I mumbled.

We will be fine. We will be.

No way out...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant