~{}chapter one{}~

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Theres only a couple of people like me.. We are called the specials and no we are not some sort of alien.

Im a normal person in fact but there was this doctor....

He wanted to make a type of person that was perfect.

Everyone told him he was crazy and no body believed he could do it.

One day he actually found out a way to do this...

He made a formula and once it was injected into your blood you became some sorta weird perfect freak.

I didn't ask for this I promise you that. I was actually given this ability as a child.. A newborn in fact.

This weird man came and gave me a shot and he injected something weird inside of me then once he did he ran away..

That's how all of this started. Also the thing is I used to get letters from the man and he explained everything to me.

I have never told anyone about what happened to me for two good reasons.

1st reason: no one would believe me

2nd reason: maybe people would actually be scared of me and think I'm some weird monster.

I just wish I was plain and simple because when your perfect everyone gives you their attention...

That might sound nice and all but it kinda creeps me out and I hate being somewhat perfect.

I can never learn from my mistakes and  my siblings hate me because I receive the most attention.

Also most people at my college hate me to because I can do almost everything. I'm probably one of the main bullied people at my college because there all just jealous.

With me being perfect and all that still means that I can be sad, angry, scared, shy.

Ugh I wish I was like everyone else.

Why did this have to happen to me.

Hey guys this is the start of this new book pls tell me what you think and share this book😘

I hope you guys will like it

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