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"This is awfully fancy," Elijah mused as Mike pulled a chair out for him. Elijah sat just as a waitress approached the two. Without saying a word, she poured them two glasses of Moet and left the bottle. "No menus?" He questioned curiously as Mike simply shrugged in response before speaking.

"I ordered for us in advance." He responded, amusement flickering in his eyes as he glanced over Elijah. He'd invited the man for dinner after work and Elijah obliged, figuring he would enjoy a bite to eat before returning to Branchwood. Mike was beginning to be an escape.

He was shocked to see how expensive the restaurant looked with it's floral decor and low lighting. He'd heard of Madame Butterfly before but this was his first time experiencing dinner here.

Elijah and Rayan were still taking things slow after they reconciled but it was obvious hesitance between the two. Things weren't exactly 'normal' yet. "And how would you know what I like to eat?" Elijah raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk growing on his face.

"I was on the safe side with my choices," He reassured with a smile. Elijah took the time to admire Michael's features—he was a slender man with a chiseled jaw, his eyebrows were neatly groomed and his lips were full. He was handsome, Elijah couldn't deny it. "Thank you." He said to the waitress as she brought them glasses of water—Elijah quirked up an eyebrow at this. He curiously watched as Michael took the glasses from her hand, and sent her a friendly smile. Rayan never exactly told anyone 'thank you' before. He frowned as he began to compare the two. Michael was well groomed and his outfits were brightly colored whereas Rayan didn't bother to detangle his hair most days and wore mainly black—Michael was kind to strangers, Rayan was stand-off-ish—Michael graduated college, Rayan didn't—Michael didn't lie, Rayan did.

But nonsense, Elijah adored Rayan regardless!


"Elijah," He called, his face scrunched into a curious expression. He'd zoned out while Mike was talking. "I said I hope you enjoy the food." He motioned to the plates that were now in front of the two. Elijah glanced down to see a plate of Filet Mignon with a side of green beans and mashed potatoes. He sent Mike a reassuring smile.

"This actually looks good." He murmured before sipping his wine. It reminded him of the time he'd spend at Rayan's apartment, sipping wine and listening to music. "So," Elijah said as he cut through the beef. "Do you listen to Mac Demarco?" He didn't know why he asked such a thing.

"Nah," Mike laughed. "I'm more of a R&B kinda guy—I actually sing."


"Yes. Did you think my only talent was being an Auditor?" He laughed again, causing Elijah to crack a smile. "And I'm glad you joined me for dinner. Honestly, I was a little nervous." Mike cleared his throat.

"Why would you be nervous?" Elijah frowned for a moment.

"Well," Mike began, looking as if he were finding the right words. "With your relationship things going on and all, I didn't want to be too hasty and invite you on a date but–"

"A date?"

"Well, that's what this is, right?"

The silence felt thick as Mike stared at him curiously. It finally dawned on Elijah that this is exactly what it is.

The low lighting, the soft hums from a speaker that played Billie Holiday, the secluded dinner table. This was clearly a date.

"Oh, Mike," Elijah sighed, now setting his utensils down. "I didn't mean to lead you astray but I didn't know you were trying to pursue me, Mike." He paused, now trying to find the right words. He noticed how Mike looked visibly embarrassed—his lips were pursed and his eyes darted everywhere but in the man's direction. Elijah felt a little embarrassed himself. "I enjoy your company but Ray and I are really complicated right now. It would be unfair to him to do this."

"I understand." Michael nodded, now sending Elijah a reassuring smile. "That's fair. We can take this as slow as you want; we can even forget about the mention of a date and enjoy dinner...as friends and colleagues." Elijah nodded, now smiling. "Okay. To being friends and colleagues," He raised his glass.

Elijah picked his glass up and clinked it against the man's. "To friends and colleagues."

He couldn't help but feel guilty after the dinner despite setting the record straight with Mike. It felt wrong to actually have enjoyed dinner with a man who clearly had feelings for him. But something about Michael was alluring—they were alike in so many ways and it felt so...right.

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