- Meetings

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I was woken up by a knock on the door.  For a second I forgot where I was as I sat up quickly as I see the door open. 

"Good Morning Michael!" Matt said smiling.

I yawn as I shyly wave at him. I close my eyes and lay back down.

"you should hurry down, breakfast is served already, you don't want to be late. And before I forget when you're done with your breakfast come to my office" I sleepily nod. 

I look up at the clock on the wall and see it's 9:30. I get up, and grab the toothbrush from my bag, and brush my teeth. I slowly walk downstairs and see a few other kids. 

"Michael it's nice of you to join us! These are the other guys who live here!" he points at the five guys sitting at the table eating. "We will do introductions when the other three guys get here" I walk over to the empty seat at the edge of the table. I see a guy with red hair smile at me. I smile back eating my breakfast.

I look up as I see half the table staring at me. I want to shrink away. 

"Whoa, mate what happened to your face?" the guy in front of me exclaims. I frown not feeling comfortable anymore, as I get up putting my plate in the sink. 

"thanks for the breakfast" I mutter. I quickly walk out of the kitchen looking for Matt's office. After opening random doors I finally found the room. I walk in sitting down in one of the chairs. 

"I called you here because I wanna talk to you about a couple of things. One of the things is the rules and such of this place that you need to know. Lastly, care to explain what happened to your face?" he speaks softly like I'm about to break. 

I groan. "why do you guys keep asking me about my face. Jesus, fucking Christ mate!" I angrily blurt out. Matt sits there startled by my outburst.

 "I know who did it, Michael it's okay" he stares at me sympathetically. I hate that look.

"I got into a fight okay? Stop assuming shit you don't know about." I snap. Matt sighs "Okay if you say so." I shake my head before getting up and going to my room. I decide to put my clothes in one of the two drawers in the room. I hear somebody downstairs yell "Newbie's here!"


I flinch as the guy who opened the door yells.  "Cody!" I see a blond surfer dude scold the guy who yelled. 

"sorry," he sleepily says. 

"you must be Calum! I'm Matt, the guy in charge here. Come on into my office!" I silently follow him to the room. I set my stuff down and sit down in the chair. 

"The rules are simple Calum. No Drinking, No Drugs, No Smoking, No Running Away, and last but not least No Sexual Interactions"

I glance up at him when he said the no sex rule. Matt looks up and blushes "Th-that's not what o meant"

I scoff lightly "it's fine, I get it all the time." Matt clears his throat. "there's a curfew too. We can't have you boy's up all night. you'll also have a roommate."

My eyes widen "what"

"it's okay," Matt says standing up. "He's harmless. He won't hurt you."

"why is he here?" I curiously ask.

"now, that Calum, I can't tell you, it's up to him. Now come on I'll go introduce you to him." I nod standing up, as I grab my bags.

"you'll meet the rest of the guy's in an hour or two. We have the last two new guys coming in"

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