-Trial 3

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//Trigger warning : homophobic slur used towards the end.\\

"Name: Micha-oh well it's nice to see you again Mr. Clifford," The judge chuckles sadly.

"Jaime! It's nice to see you again!" I smirk up at her.

"Why must we always come to this" she sighs staring at me.

I furrow my eyebrows. "You know why I'm here. You said you would help me and you didn't so I had to take matter into my own hands" my voice raising at each word.

"Now Michael if you just stay out of trouble-"
"Stay out of trouble? What I do isn't trouble it's trying to get out of that hell hole"
"So you would rather go to jail.....or juvie.." She trails off.

I scoff. "You wouldn't throw me into jail, and go ahead throw me into juvie I've already made that place my bitch" I smirk.
The judge slams her gravel against the table.

"Enough Mr.Clifford, I will not tolerate that kind of language in my court. Since you've apparently already made juvie your 'bitch' . I'm sending you somewhere else" she smirks.

I freeze in my spot trying to stay emotionless.

"And where would that be" I say smirking wider.

She leans forward. "Mr. Clifford I sentence you to 6 months in a group home. With chances of parole. You will be taken back to your regular home to collect your belongings. You will be transferred there tomorrow at 5 am sharp. Try to escape and you will be taken to jail." Before I can even open my mouth. She yells "trial dismissed"
I try to struggle against the guards but it's no use. Once I'm taken outside the courtroom. I see my parents stand up from the bench. They smile stiffly at the guard. My eyes widen knowing this can't be good.  As soon as the handcuffs are taken off. I am yanked outside.

"You useless fag! You couldn't have done what you were told!?!? Oh watch when you get home you're gonna get it" he sneers.

He shoves me into the car. As my mom walks to the passenger seat not meeting my eyes.

"M-mum!" I beg. She shakes her head looking straight ahead.
"You heard your father Michael, you disobeyed us and it wouldn't be the first time either. In and out of juvie for delinquent behavior will not be tolerated-"

"Bu-!" I'm cut off by a sharp sensation on my cheek. My mother glares at me.

"We already packed your stuff."  Her voice rung out. I sat there stunned not believing the words she said.

Who knew those words would hurt more than what's coming next.

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