-Trial 2

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"Name: Calum Thomas Hood 

Age:16 wow...they just keep getting younger, and younger" i roll my eyes at the judge . "Came a long way haven't you Mr.Hood. You started out  at the age of 10? And you stated your reasons before."  He nods to himself.

"it's dangerous, and in the real world you would be in jail sadly, but my decision has been made." he pauses i hold my breath hoping i don't go to jail. I open my mouth in desperation "please don't send me to jail my sister needs me"  i plead.

The judge clears his throat again. "like i was saying... my decision has been made... you will be sent to a group home. I feel like you will be safer there...or well as safe as you can be."

My eyes water with happiness "thank you so much."  I couldn't complain. After getting caught they wouldn't let me go so they placed me in a foster home as i waited for this trial. I didn't like the foster home at all. Especially since all the kids knew why i was there. I was mostly worried for my sister, but they promised they would take care of her. 

"you'll be taken to the group home tomorrow. So be prepared.. for now your foster parent will take you back. They have been informed about you're transfer."

i nod just wanting to get out of there. The guard takes me out into the hallway as he takes off my handcuffs. The guard smirks at me as i feel his hands linger on my wrist. i scoff and yank my hands away from him walking outside. I stand out there waiting for my foster parent to get here. Finally they arrive and take me to the house.

Throughout the whole ride not a word was spoken. When i opened the door i ignored everyone and walked upstairs "Calum!" yelled my foster mom. I winced at her voice "you're sisters calling!" i quickly turn around and run back down the stairs as i take the phone away from her. 

"remember you can only be on the phone for 20 minutes" 

i roll my eyes and whisper "mali? you there ?"

"hey cal" she softly says "i heard about your trial. A group home isn't that bad.. at least able be able to call you every week now" she says happily.

i can feel her smile through the phone. "yeah..i hope everyone's nice and they aren't dicks like everyone here" i whisper the last part. "i'm sorry by the way...i hope there's enough money to pay for everything.. i tried but then the police.." 

"calum!" she cuts me off my rambling. I stay quiet waiting for what she was going to say. 

"it's okay. The doctors here were able to pull some strings and with the money you brought in we have enough for all my treatments. You did everything you could do it's not you're fault"

I can't help but have tears stream down my face "i know" my voice cracks. Out of the corner of my eye i see Dylan. "Listen Mali, i would love to talk to you longer but my 20 minutes are up. I love you and take care okay?" Dylan smirks at me. 

" i love you too, cal"  i hear her say before i hang up. 

"so i heard you;re going away tomorrow" he says getting closer "come on princess, and let me give you you're going away present"  i shiver as he grabs my hand and takes me upstairs. 

i sigh 

Maybe it will be better at the group home


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