chapter twenty

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My phone was bombed with text messages, emails and voicemails. All from family members, acquaintances, even strangers.

People saw the interview with Megan Anderson and our kiss. Some people are outraged I didn't tell them or surprised it would be him of all people.

I turn off my phone and jog downstairs in the kitchen and brew myself some coffee.

"Morning," Christian grumbles, taking my coffee.

I smack his head. "Hey!"

I take my mug back and take a sip. It has Christian's germs so I give it back to him and make a new one.

"What's up with you today, little sister?" he sighs.

I sigh. "Couldn't sleep last night," I mutter.

"Insomnia's a bitch."

I glare at him. "I don't have insomnia."

He takes a seat on the stool. "Really? What are your symptoms?"

I roll my eyes. "You don't need to be smart twenty four seven, Christian."

He smirks. "Being the oldest of three rules."

Being the oldest is always the best, I think to myself.

Teddy jogs into the kitchen with his tuxedo as always. "Good morning guys!" He goes to the fridge and takes out a juice box.

Houston comes in shortly after. I frown. "Why is everyone bothering my peace and quiet?" I look at Teddy. "Except you."

He smiles.

"Well, we all live here, Taylor," Houston says.

I scowl. "Well, this is my territory."

"I came back from College for you!" Christian argues.

I look at him, bored. "I didn't ask you to come back. Besides, you don't spend time with me."

"Because I'm studying to become a doctor, Taylor." He states the obvious.

I wave my hands around. "Yeah, yeah," I mutter.

Houston reads a newspaper on the kitchen table. I walk over to him and sit in front of him.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask.

"Reading," was his reply.

"About?" I push further.

He shrugs. "The news."

I sigh in defeat. "I just wanted to know if Ashton and I are on there."

It's been five days since the interview. An entire month since we've started dating. It's February now, almost Valentine's Day too.

Our lie was working. My parents started having breakfast, lunch, and dinner as a family.

My dad calls me every hour at work. My mom comes home early and we do 'girl stuff'. I enjoy it, I really do. I wonder how it's working with Ashton.

Which reminds me, I didn't get him a one month anniversary present. Should I even?

As if on cue, my phone rang.

Ashton was calling me and I picked up without hesitation. "Yes?" I asked.

"Clear your schedule for the day," he says. "I'm taking you somewhere."

I frown in confusion. "Where and why?"

"Because it's our one month anniversary and I'm bored at home." He says like I should've known.

"Yeah, okay, whatever," I mutter. I have nothing better to do. Ashton's always a surprise and mystery.

"Where are you right now?" he asked.


"Well, what do you know," he says. "So am I."

He hung up.

I hear a honk outside and look out the kitchen window. Teddy climbs onto the sink and looks with me. Christian joins us and soon enough, Houston does too.

It's like we're in a spy movie. Our heads were all in line.

"Date today?" Christian wiggled his eyebrows. "One month anniversary, you go girl."

I make my way out the door. The sun shines on me as I walk to Ashton. He was on his motorcycle, looking sexy as ever.

"Hey you," he says.

I cross my arms and look at the baby he's on. "Nice ride," I say, impressed. "What's the plan today? Balloon Blimp? Ice-Skating with penguins? Skinny dipping?"

He laughs softly and shakes his head. "Nah, how about something as simple as a carnival?"

I raise my eyebrows. "Since when are you ever plain and simple?" I tease.

He shrugs. "I thought I'd give it a try."

"I like your style, babe." I hop behind him and put my helmet on. I hesitantly wrap my arms around his waist.

He speeds out my drive way and into the road ahead. I take in the wind brushing by my hair and face. The weather was nice, not too hot and not too cold.

I lean my head on Ashton's back as he takes us to the carnival. When we got there, it was crowded and filled with people. It was easy paying off for a parking space and not having to wait in line.

I spot some paparazzi near the parking lots and entrance. I hold Ashton's hand and follow him to the water gun station.

"I want that one." I point to a humongous cuddle bear that held a heart in it's hands.

Ashton doesn't hesitate when he pulls out his wallet and lifts the gun, aiming perfectly at all the spots in the middle.

He does it again.

And again.

And again.

The guy hands Ashton the large teddy bear and he hands it to me. He kisses the corner of my lips and whispers, "Happy one month anniversary, sweetheart."

I think my heart must've exploded with the speed it's going at right now. I take the big bear and hold it with all my strength and walk through the crowd.

"Where to next?" he asked.

I shrug. "Cotton candy?"

He grins like a little kid and goes over to buy us a blue and pink.

I sit down a nearby empty picnic table and wait for Ashton. Not moments later, my peace and quiet was interrupted.


"Excuse me, miss, are you Taylor Ramirez?" a boy my age asked.

I nod with a raised eyebrow. "This is she."

"I'm sorry, I was just sitting over there and saw you here by yourself," he smiles sheepishly. I look him up and down. He's not that bad. He's attractive and had a cute vibe with him.

I see Jonah walking over to us. He wraps an arm around the guy's shoulder. "What is my girl doing here alone?"

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