chapter fifteen

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"Sweetheart." someone shakes my body as I groan in annoyance and shove my face in my pillow. I flip over to my side with my back facing them.

The person nudged me again. I pick the first thing I can find on my nightstand with my eyes still closed and throw it at them.

A body pressed itself onto me, crushing me with its weight. I groan in my pillow, loosing all oxygen.

"Wake up sweetheart."

Only one person calls me that ridiculous name.

I groan and get up slowly, laying on my side. Ashton was wide awake, shirtless in my room.

I sit up straight and gasp. My jaw was practically on the floor by now and my eyes must be wide as saucers.

"Oh my fucking God," I breathe out. "You're fucking beautiful."

Ashton raises an eyebrow and smirks. His chest vibrating softly as he chuckles.

"I wanna trail my tongue down your abs to show you how beautiful they truly are. Your body is the definition of perfection and I'm not gonna lie."

Ashton bursts out laughing, clutching his stomach in the process. His body tenses as he does so, making his muscled body look even better than it is when he's relax and calmed.

I yank my blanket off me and scoot closer to him. I softly touch his abs, mesmerized by it like finding a cake in the freezer when it shouldn't be there.

Ashton stops laughing and stares at me as I trail my fingers down his chest and to his stomach. He shivers a little, making me hide my smirk. He sucks in a deep breath when I reach his belly button.

I pull back and smirk widely at him. He looks at me with an unreadable expression. I raise an eyebrow, confused to what just happened.

I feel something poking my knee and I look at Ashton. "What's that?" I ask like a kid.

Ashton bites his lip.

I raise an eyebrow again. It's like a staring contest between us.

I look at the thing poking me. I didn't realize I was that close to Ashton. I clear my throat and scoot back.

"Didn't know you get turned on with my touch, Marshall," I tease.

"Ha-ha, very funny sweetheart," he says sarcastically.

"It really is," I say between snickers.

I check the time to see it's after noon. Did I really sleep that much?

I lay back and snuggle closer to my pillow. Ashton lays on his side closer to me. "Why are you still here?" I mumble.

"Do you mind?" he asks.

I shake my head.

He sighs. "I got into a fight with my dad yesterday."

I slowly open my eyes. "What happened?"

"It's not your concern." There was a hint of anger in his voice.

"Ashton ..." I trail off.

"Don't, sweetheart," he nearly growls.

"Is it about why we're together?" I ask instead. "The reason we're lying to everyone?"

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. His action and words make me even more curious than I was. What was he hiding from me? From everyone?

He said it was about the baby girl ...

"Yes," he forced out. "It is."

I put my hand on his cheek. He doesn't stop me. "Whatever happens, I'm here to help."

He clicks his tongue as he watches me intensely. "I know," he says lowly. "You're stuck with me for a while, sweetheart."

I smile. I wouldn't have it any other way.

"You know, if you want me to love you, you could give me your Netflix password and we're good." I tease.

He laughs softly. "You would like that, wouldn't you?"

I nod my head. "You're not so bad, Marshall."

"I could say the same for you Ramirez."

The room becomes silent. I like quiet times like these. I guess I became used to it since my parents were never around. 'Company before family' and 'The company is family' was something I always told myself to pass time and spare my feelings.

Ashton gets up. "Come on, sweetheart, we're going for a ride."

"I feel comfortable, you're not making me move," I groan.

He yanks my blanket off me, making me shiver with the cold draft. "Come on, sweetheart. I have plans for us today."

"What plans?" I ask, reluctantly getting up.

"Well, I made plans with Teddy," he says. "He wants to get to know me better and all that. I couldn't refuse his puppy dog face."

I laugh. "I know the feeling." I get up and go to the bathroom. I make sure Ashton wasn't behind me. I didn't want to be pushed in the shower again, one time was painful enough for me.

"Don't take too long this time sweetheart," Ashton yells over the closed door. "Otherwise Teddy will annoy the hell out of us!"

I ignore him and take my time. I take a long time shopping and he takes a long time getting ready. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the girl in this relationship.

I shower quickly and brush my teeth while I'm at it. I put on my clothes and walk out to see Ashton on his phone and Teddy fixing his bow tie.

"Hey buddy." I fix his tie for him.

"Do you know where Ashton's taking us?" Teddy asks excitedly.

I shrug. "Don't know, kid." I grab his hand and Ashton's. "Let's go."

We jog down the staircase and pass by Houston and Christian. "Morning girls!" I yell.

Christian winces and groans, covering his ears. Houston holds a glass of water and pills in his hand, shaking his head.

"Hangover," Houston says.

I nod. "Ah, old Christian Ramirez is back! No more nerd!"

"Shut up, Taylor." Christian grumbled.

Ashton wraps an arm around my waist and puts Teddy in between us. "We're going out, if you don't mind."

"Have fun kids," Houston says. He looks between Ashton and I. "And wear protection."

Teddy asks, "Protection for what? Bugs?"

I cover my hand and snicker. Ashton smirks in my hair as his body vibrates.

Protection is what I need for this relationship if we're going to last.

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