chapter 19

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"you r so pretty.. "
daehyun say with his chin on his hand. staring at me like an innocent kid who amused with a truck of ice-cream.

i feel heated and i starting to blush.
i look around, but seems like no one notice. oh im glad.

everyone were enjoying their coffee while daehyun being jerk.
"what r u doin daehyun...
stop staring at me like that!"
i say as kicking his legs.

"auch" he say while trying to brush the pain away from his legs.

"stop it like i said..i mean it"
i say, more like a sarcasm.

"u grew ur anger well for past 5 years, like u grew prettier. "

i furrow my eyebrows as looking at him with a 'i don't like u' look.

"stop it daehyun..or I'll go home straight and never come here..."

"okay2 i stop....
u look even cute when mad...
i totally not recognized you..
thankfully ur smile and ur laugh still the same..."

"that's better haahah". then he smile to me as i take a srip of the coffee.

"what make you here?"

"well" i say while putting down my cup of coffee on the wooden table.
"i got a job. here. so.."

"seriously?! " he ask, being amused.
and i nod.

"where did u stayed?"

"hmm...actually... " i poke the back of my head, beings the silly one.
"i didn't plan it. yet..."

"huh? what?!" he cried.

"my luggage was at the hotel which i stayed last night...i have to sign out today. hmm to be exact a few hour from u know..."

"okay then...I'll help you with that...
so i guess we should go to that hotel and take out ur stuff" he called.

seriously? this easy?

"ar u serious? "

"there's no joke when it's come about you..." he said, and it touched me.

i pulling my luggage out from the hotel to be greeted with a busy daehyun who's on the phone wif someone, while the back of his body against his black audi.

as he notice i was struggling with the luggage, he ran to me and help me out with this suck luggage. and also he guiding me on my way to his black audi and as i reach there he opened that door for me.

treating me like a princess.
so not me.

we stayed in silent while we're on our way to the apartment which daehyun adjusted for me, to be exact was the right place for me to stayed.
this is just great right?

the new me, in a new place.
with a new work,
and stayed in a new house.

just right.
i love this feeling.

"how's the member?" i spoke out.

but he just smile to my question and asking me another question.
"will u go to zelo showcase? "

i rolled my eyes, "u r not answering my question. oh yes ill go there. so what?"

and i earn a big smile with a little sweet grin from daehyun, oh shit this was so annoying but well he's cute.

"so you'll know about what's going on wif the member tonight since u said u will join us..." he called.

"so they gonna be there? oh yesss!!"
i say getting excited.

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