chapter 13

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kim himchan:

i stand on my feet while holding my luggage, waiting for the train.
i stare onto the railway.

"is it the correct thing to do like this?"
i sigh.

i could feel a heavy weight inside me that asking me to stay.
"no, just go", the another half of me ordered.

literally. i said that i let her go.
but the fact is. i still love yeun ah. that's what make i feel this weight.
i shut my eyes try to think wisely.

"seems like, you care about yeun ah that much...
if you love her life that much...
and want to protect yeun ah that much...
why don't you protect her by yourself himchan?"
yongguk called to me, then without warning i walk approaching him, madly.

i give him a strong punch that landed on his face. make a small wound near his lips with a fresh blood getting out...

that's make he upset, so without hesitate he punch me back on my face..

"at least im not a coward to show how much i care about her and how much i love her!!!!" i said, more like yelling out as i give another punch on his stomach.

"and i let go of her because of you!!!
i know you can protect her life better than me!!!"
and i let out another punch on my stomach. making he fall on the ground.

"it's because of you!
if it's another guy! i won't give up or giving chances...
he added...

i sigh as i open my eyes.
his thought keep finding me recently, idk why. but it happened.

one sec, two sec. the train arrived.
*cengggg* and the door opened.
i drag my luggage carefully and walk into the train.

"please take a good care on yeun ah..."
he say as softly tapping on my shoulder.

seriously i have uneasy feeling about this. "why did you said that?"

he just smile,
he freaking just smile...
with that fake smile...
"i love all of you, you know that right?.
now go" he say as pushing me in front.
heading to the park.

then i saw,
yeun ah. she's standing still there.
but she looks down on the ground.

"i can't protect her anymore yongguk..." i say under my breath.

then I've staph out from my thought with jongup voice.
"hyung" he yelled out as banging the door. jongup. what r u doin here?

then. my eyes fixed on a girl,
who's running approaching this train.
son yeun ah.

she turned to her left to see the funeral flag. and there is a golden frame beautifully and nicely hanging on the plain white wall.
it's bang yongguk as the potret.

he's dead?"

it's remind me to that day by looking at her face rn. i can't handle myself.
i turned away from her.
its feel like, a thousand knife stabbing your heart. i hold onto my chest.
try to control my emotional.

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