Chapter 4: 'What's Her Problem?'

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Chapter Trigger Warning

*Ally's P.O.V*

We get to the radio station right on time. Before we exited the bus we joined in prayer, pulling Mr. Foxxe into the circle with us. "Lord, I thank you for all of these people and for the amazing opportunities we have gotten through this entire journey. I pray that you keep us healthy and safe throughout our tour and that during our concerts you will bring light to the fans and to the world showing them that they can do anything they set their minds to," I looked at all the girls and Mr. Foxxe smiling at each one of them, "In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen." A chorus of Amens surrounded me for a moment.

"Alright ladies, hands in. Fifth Harmony on three!" Normani said putting her hand in the center of us. Our hands followed suit, "1..2...3.. FIFTH HARMONY!" We all screamed together and laughed, something seemed a little off about Lauren, but we had to get going so I didn't ask.

We filed off the bus making our way quickly to the door. Lauren wasn't leading the pack protectively like she normally does, she was trailing a good 2ft behind us. I vowed to myself I would ask her what was going on after the interview as we pushed down the hallway to the booth with our name on the door.

Before we open the door, Dinah turns to look at us, "You guys ready?" she said with a huge smile on her face. We nodded quickly and went into the recording booth. It was a lot different than the kind of booth we record our songs in, much bigger, but it was amazing just the same.

While we were looking around a man burst into the room, "Hello Ladies of Fifth Harmony! I'm am Brad Coaster, head radio personnel here at 102.9" (made up). He ushered us to some seats with microphones in front of them. "We go on air in like 30 seconds. Get yourselves ready." With that said, all the girls, including I, started to fidget and a chorus of vocal warm ups rang on the booth.

He cut us off and the light turned red. We were on air. "Good Afternoon Salt Lake City! I am here with the beautiful and incredible girls of Fifth Harmony, Having a good day ladies?"

We all said Hi and tried to answer his question, then we all shut up and Normani pointed at me, "Hello Brad," I smiled, "Sorry, we like to all speak at once, it's a thing we do." I laughed, "We are having a good day so far! We haven't been here for that long but Normani made us some amazing breakfast and those two over there" I said pointing at Camila and Lauren, "Slept until at least 11:15. It's nice to get sleep while we can. Once the tour starts we'll be so busy."

When I mentioned her and Camila, Lauren looked into her lap and her cheeks flushed. "Maybe that's her problem today, did her a Mila get into a fight this morning?" I wondered to myself. "Mila seemed fine." Hmm.

"Speaking of the tour," Mr. Coaster said excitedly, "When does it start, can you give us any info?" He directed his question towards Lauren but she shrugged so he looked at Dinah who was sitting next to her.

"Well, the tour performance dates start in a little over a week, but I think the girls will agree that we consider this, just driving around and making appearances, part of our said 'tour'." All the girls including I nodded, "Any info? Well, we will be singing some covers that we have previously recorded, got a favorite? Tweet it to our 5H twitter along with the city you will be attending a concert in and we may just sing that song for you. We also will be singing some songs off our new, unreleased, album!" Dinah smiled widely. "Buut we have a special surprise in store for Boston, our second tour date." Dinah winked at the rest of us. She must be talking about the new song we have to write. It has to be done in like 2 weeks and we have yet to start. I cringe at our procrastination but continue to enjoy the interview. By the end our phone's had blown up with song requests.

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