Chapter 20: Date Night

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*Lauren's P.O.V*

Today I was determined to take Camila out on a date.  I had divulged everything to Dinah last night.  It was really hard but I managed to let it out.  I ended up crying myself to sleep in Dinah's arm.  I'm so glad she was supportive of Camila and I.  I was so afraid that she wouldn't want anything to me after I told her, but she was happy for me if I was happy.  She was right, being bi doesn't change who I am as a person.  I'm the same ol' me I've always been.

I smile to myself and knocked on the door to Camila, Ally, and Normani's room.  Normani opened the door.  "Hey girl!  You ready for our free day, roaming the streets of Boston?" she asked excitedly.

"Yeah!" I said happily.  "But I think Dinah has something planed for tonight." I finish setting up tonight's plan I had made with Dinah earlier that morning.  "She'll be over shortly, by the way."

Normani nodded and went back to sitting on the couch.  "Ally is down stairs getting coffee and Mila's in the shower." I nodded.

"I'll be right back.  I need to ask Camz a question."  

I made my way to the bathroom door.  I knocked.  I heard Camila singing Ed Sheeran and the water running.  I smile to myself.  She is adorable.  I try the knob, it's unlocked.  I make my way into the steam-filled bathroom.  I bite my lip staring at Camila's shadow on the shower curtain.  Her body is so perfect.  She curves in the perfect spots.  She reaches her hands to her head, rinsing her hair.  Her back arches, giving me a perfect few of the silhouette of her breasts and large ass.  I want her so bad.  I wish my past wasn't so broken and I can just be with her.  I shake my head of my thoughts.

"Camzi?" I call.

I see her shadow freeze.  Finally she sticks her head around the curtain.  Her facial expression changes from nervous to slightly seductive.  "Oh hey Lo."  she bites her lip and raises her eyebrows.

She goes back to her shower.  I try to speak but I can't.  I'm mesmerized by the thoughts of what is behind the shower curtain.  Eventually her voice breaks me from my thoughts.  "Lauren, can you hand me a towel please?"

"Of course." I nod, grabbing a large white towel from the rack and handing it to her outstretched arm.

She steps out of the shower with the towel wrapped around her.  She walks over and plants a sweet kiss on my lips.  She pulled away and opened her mouth to speak but I pulled her back into a deep, passionate kiss, letting my hormones get the best of me.  I tug on the edges of the towel but Camila holds it in place.  She laughs into the kiss and pulls away.  "Not now silly.  Control yourself." she winked and walked away, grabbing her clothes off the counter.

"I-I need to t-t-talk to y-you about s-s-s-something." I stuttered trying to keep my eyes on hers.

She giggled.  "Alright, let me change.  I know we could never hold a conversation this way.  You want it to much." she winked again, walking into the separate room connected to the bathroom, slapping her ass before she closes the door.  I bite my lip and try to calm myself.  

Eventually she reappears, wearing a cute black jumper and a white bow.  I allow my eyes to roam her body for a second.  I smile as she walks over to me.  "You look beautiful Camzi." I exclaim as she slips her hands into mine.

"Not so bad yourself, Jauregui." she bites her lips and her eyes linger over my chest then back to my face.  I stare into her deep brown eyes and she smiles.  I don't know what this girl does to me.  Just, ugh!

I kiss her nose.  "Love you."

"I love you more, Lauren." she giggles.

I swing our hands back and forth.  "So Camz, today we have a free day in Boston before we head off on the road again.." I start.

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