"Honey, what is so important that you're stopping me from making dinner?" Anne questioned.

    "Um...well...I thought this would be easier." Harry replied, flustered by his awkwardness.

    "Son, could you please hurry. I'm missing the game!" Robin rushed, aggravated.

    "Right, of course. Um...If I tell you, you won't be mad, right?" Harry was sweating pinballs.

    "Harry..." Anne said, trying to hurry this up. She smelled the meatloaf beginning to burn.

    "I'mintothisthingcalledageplay!" Harry blurted out.

    "What is 'ageplay'?" Anne questioned.

    "Um...it's where I am l-like...a b-baby, you know," Harry explained. When he saw the look on their face change, he decided to just re-wind," Like...it's not that important. I don't even know why I told you." Harry got up, getting ready to leave when Robin caught his arm.

    "YOU'RE A QUEER AND A WEIRD ASS FREAK?! AND YOU HAD THE AUDACITY TO STAY UNDER MY ROOF?!" Robin screamed, throwing Harry against the wall. He was scared out of his mind. Tears of disappointment and shame came streaming down his cheeks.

    Robin socked Harry in the stomach and continued his route to the living room.

    "Oh," Robin called out, "and don't forget to pack up all your shit and LEAVE!"

    As Harry got up from the floor, he looked towards his mom. He figured she'd fight against the decision of him leaving, but instead, she held a cold hard stare. It was as if he wasn't her son anymore. That thought crushed him, and he ran upstairs, called Gemma, and asked if had enough room for him to temporarily move in.

    Instead of telling Gemma, he decided to keep his secret to himself.


    Soon enough, Harry sheepishly came out of his bedroom and joined the boys. As he sat down on the love seat, he began his explanation.

    "Um...I do this thing c-called, uh...a-ageplay." Harry stuttered. He took a deep breath, tears pooling in his emerald eyes.

    "It's where I a-act like a b-bab-baby and usually you have a um...a...d-daddy or mummy."

    The reaction was almost instantaneous. Zayn shot up with a disgusted look on his face, acting like he'd seen Donald Trump lick a lollipop. (Sorry, but that was the thing that came to mind XD)

    "That's sick Harry! What kind of twenty-two year old man acts like a baby?" He shouted, livvid with the news that was just shared.

    Harry nods his head as streams of tears roll down his red cheeks faster.

    "I know, and I'm sorry," Harry whispered, "I'm so, so sorry!"

    "You're a disgrace to the band! I can't believe that you want to be a fucking baby! Don't you EVER try to contact me again!" Zayn spat as he strolled out of the door.

    Niall and Liam looked apologetic, but still walked towards the door.

    "Uh...see you later Harry." Liam said as he awkwardly headed out the door.

    "Later." Niall added on with a wave.

    Harry sobbed harder as he realized that he wouldn't have any friends left; Any family left.

    "What about you Lou?" Harry asked through his tears. Louis was his anchor. He prayed he wouldn't lose his anchor as well.

    "I-I think that I need to process this all first," Louis sighed, "The boys need time too harry."

    "I'm so sorry Lou! I don't know why I'm like this! Please stay for a bit, please!" Harry pleaded.

    "Calm down love. I'll stay...alright?"

    Harry nodded and opened his arms out, asking for a hug. Louis leaned forward and embraced the younger boy as he cried for what seemed like forever. After his sobs reduced to whimpers, Louis got an idea. He wasn't all that uncomfortable with the idea of Harry wanting to act like a child. He just didn't understand the reason for it.

    "Hey Harry?" Louis asked, pulling back from their hug.

    "Yeah?" He asked, wiping his eyes.

    "Why do you enjoy being a...a baby?"

    "Well, mostly because it helps relieve all the st-stress that I'm feeling from the day. It's also comforting to feel looked after, but it'd be better if I had s-someone to actually look after me." Harry whispered, blush covering his already pink cheeks.

    Louis smiled fondly, "I could help you out...only if you want me to...um?" Louis offered skeptically.

    "Really?!" Harry shrieked. "You'd really want to to care of me? Please don't pull my leg Louis."

    "Well...if it makes you happy, then yeah. Why not?"

    "Thanks so much Lou!" Harry screeched, crushing his best and only mate into a hug. "I love you Lou. Thank you!"

    "I love you too Curly." Louis stated, smiling at Harry like he had just won the world.

Hope it wasn't TOO shit. I really liked the plot. Leave a comment to let me know if I should continue and that I've pleased AT LEAST one of you...so...yeah! <3

Q: Which one is your favorite Harry?

a. 2010-2011

b. 2012-2013

c. 2014-2015

d. 2016-HAIR CUT

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