Hello Husband (14.5)

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  • Dedicated to All of those who couldn't be home for Christmas

Heyy Everyone! SO Merry Christmas!!!!! This is my present to you! If you are my fan you would know that I sent a message around asking for YOU to pick the book of mine you wanted me to upload and Hello Husband Won!!! BUT the first book mentioned I said I would upload, that was for my new book 'Mommy and Me' to be brought out early so please check out the prologue to Mommy and Me - Which will be coming out in February! It would mean alot!! Also just to see who actually reads these messages comment and add a :3 to the end of it and I will check out any book you would like and maybe even Promote some of my favourites!!!

Any way Hope you all had an Amazing Christmas and got Amazing presents... Mine was HOT! being the middle of Summer down here in Australia but fun... Spent the evening locked in my room with my Mum, Aunt and little Cousin while the Boys had a NERF War!! (Gun with foam bullets)

How was all your Christmases??? I love to hear from you all, don't be afraid to message me about absolutely anything!! If you need an ear to talk to I am always hear!! Anyway this is dedicated to all of those out there who couldn't be home for Christmas!!

Onto the story :3





Chapter 14 Part II 

“El, wakeup. It’s been 2 hours and is now 7; growing up with sisters I realise how long it takes you to get ready otherwise I would have let you sleep longer.” Jack says, his expression soft and caring

“Thank you, it’s alright I’m up. I’ll be down in an hour or so, do you want to put something on for dinner?” I say sitting up in bed.

“Yeah it’s already cooking, Lasagne, Your Mom mentioned it was your favourite.” He says and I feel my heart beat speed up at how nice he is being and at our close proximity, I look up and into his eyes to find him already staring at me, his gaze sweeps down to my lips and back up again, We both lean in and –

*I like big buts and I cannot lie…*

“Crap!” Jack curse’s as he grabs his now blaring phone, I can’t help but laugh at that ridiculous ring tone,

“It’s Chase, I better take this, how about you get ready and meet me downstairs for dinner,”

“Sure,” I smile up at him as I step out of my bed and make my way into my closet

“What you big buffoon?” Jack says into his phone, with heavy sarcasm, as his voice slowly fades away as he walks down stairs, “Ha-ha-ha, Get to the point,”


I walk down the stairs only 40 minutes later, As I make my way onto the landing I head towards the kitchen with my heels clicking on the timber flooring. I walk into the kitchen to find the dining room all set and Jack humming to himself as he cooks

“Mmm.. That smells nice,” I tell him, letting him know of my presence, he lets out a yelp of surprise as the bowl he is holding clatters noisily onto the bench top. His eyes trail down my body lingering a little too long on my exposed legs. I was wearing a black dress, fitting around the chest but then fell in ruffles for the skirt with as belt just under the breast. (Picture on side)

“Wow!” Jack mumbles to himself making me giggle

“You look… Wow!” He says looking into my eyes, “So Beautiful,” I blush at his compliment,

“You don’t look so bad yourself,” I reply cheekily while I unabashedly check him out, he was dressed in a pair of dark jeans with a black muscle shirt


We pull up at Chase’s house to see the party already in full swing. I feel butterflies start in my stomach, I mean this is the first time I’m meeting all of Jack’s friends, I mean I briefly met Chase at school but this is the first time I’m meeting the rest of them and Chase properly… What if they don’t like me?

“Don’t worry, they will love you,” Jack reassures me as he wraps his arm over my shoulders, “ You ready?”

“No but lets do this!” I reply wrapping my arm around his waist, he chuckles but leads me into the house…

Hello Husband, Fancy seeing you hereWhere stories live. Discover now