Hello Husband (10)

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Heyy all! so i have made this one alot bigger for you all, hope you enjoy it and pay attention what happens in this chapter is key to the whole story x :)





Lucy, Chloe and I dragged ourselves to school just in time for morning notices,
Lucy had finally come down from her chocolate high and had literally walked into class just to fall straight back asleep again.

Chloe dozed in and out of slumber while I rested my head on my desk not bothering to listen to the teacher, just letting my mind wander.

Homeroom was extremely long and boring I sat their staring at the clock waiting for it to reach the 9 so the bell would go,

*Tick, Tick*

As the clock slowly clicked to sound each passing second.

Finally the bell rang loud and clear and I couldn’t be out of my seat fast enough.

“AHHHHH!!” Lucy cries as she awakes suddenly, falling off her seat in the process, I just roll my eyes at her pulling her to her feet and dragging her out the door.

Lucy then went her own way as Chloe and I headed for our first period together.

We walked to our first lesson in a sleepy daze.

Ok, so maybe staying up until 4 AM hadn't been a great idea after all but hey, it was fun.

On our way to class, I was not paying attention as to where I was going and I walked straight into someone,
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was walking," I apologized profusely before looking up to see the person I had run into.

To tell you it was a shock was an understatement. The man, not boy, I had run into was mighty good looking with his strong jaw and playful eyes. His voice brought me out of my ogling,
"That's alright, actually would you kind showing me where the office is, apparently I need to get a visitors pass," he asks politely.

I had completely forgotten Chloe was even there until she piped up,
"oh sure, its just straight down this hallway and to your left, there's a big sign that reads 'office' on the door, you can't miss it" Chloe chirps brightly with a huge smile, watching as he walks past us in the direction she said.

As he rounds the corner and out of site she turns back to me,
" Damn girl you are like a hotness magnet; first Noah, then Mr Edwards now you run into Mr Sexy in the corridors, give me the water your taking ‘cause I want some!"

I just laugh at her, continuing on my way to class.

We walk into class just as the late bell chimes, Ms Heron glares at us while we take our seats before starting her lesson,
"Ok class today I will be handing out your task sheets and you will be starting on your History assignment. As I said yesterday this unit of work will be based on American history namely the starting of America, the American Civil War and our Presidents, there have been 44 presidents in total.

Hello Husband, Fancy seeing you hereHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin