Hello Husband (14)

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  • Dedicated to SANTA CLAUS

SO SO Sorry this is so short!!! And this is just a filler, it is in Preperation for the next one

That will hopefully be up sometime Monday or Tuesday





“UNCLE MARK!” I yell running down the last few steps and into his arms as he pulls me into a big hug,

“Heyy Princess,” He says

“Aunty Julie!” I say pulling away from Uncle Mark to pull her into a hug

“I’ve missed you both so much!”

“What’s with all the yelling, Ana where’s the Asprin!” Uncle Max calls out as he walks out from the spare bedroom

“Breakfast is ready and Max I already have it out with a glass of Water, it’s on the Kitchen table,” Mum calls from the kitchen and we all head there taking our seats and helping ourselves to the large stack of pancakes. I grab myself some pancakes, smothering them in Syrup and then dusting them with icing sugar

A bleary looking Caitlin then makes her way into the kitchen her eyes brighten as she takes in her surroundings,

“PANCAKES!!” She exclaims rushing forward to grab a handful of them, “Hey Uncle Mark, Aunty Julie,” She says in an offhand manor her whole attention on the pancakes in front on her

“Caitlin! The Pancakes can wait, say hello to your Aunt and Uncle,” Mom scolds

“But Mom, Uncle Max is here, you know how much he likes your pancakes,” Caitlin looks up at mum with the puppy dog eyes,

“Oh fine, just put them on your plate then say hello, and I’m only doing this because I do know how max gets with the pancakes,”

“OFFENSIVE!” Uncle Max exclaims, followed by a yelp at how loud it was. Caitlin grabs a few more pancakes before taking a seat, “Hey Uncle Mark, Aunty Julie, Whatcha doing?” Uncle Mark chuckles at her behaviour,
“We are here to help your sister move into her Husband’s house,” Uncle Mark replies

“WHAT NOW!? I WANNA HELP!!” Caitlin whines

“That’s exactly why I didn’t tell you, because you wouldn’t help at all you would stare at MY HUSBAND and wouldn’t do a thing,”

“Hey I take offense to that, I sound like some Dumb Blonde Bimbo!” Caitlin exclaims

“CHILDREN! CHILDREN! No yelling at the dinner table, although I do have to say that is one hawt man you have their Danielle,”

“Can we stop talking about Dani’s Hot Husband and get to actually moving her stuff there.” Uncle Max says making his way out to the dining room.


We Pull up to the address Jack gave me and I look at the house, it’s two stories but quaint.

I make my way up the steps and knock on the door, I know Jack gave me a key but well I’d like to let him know we are here instead of just barging in.

The door opens, and I find a sleepy looking Jack at the door, with no shirt on.

“Oh, hey El, I wasn’t expecting you guys here so early,” My eyes run up and down his body, take in the really sexy 6 pack,” Oh Come in!”

“Thanks,” I reply stepping into the house looking around.

“Umm... So do you want a tour?” Jack asks scratching the back of his head

“Sure,” I reply and follow him as he leads me around the house,
“Umm so from the entry way there is the kitchen and dining room to the right and then there is the main lounge room to the right with the stairs to upstairs,” He points out before heading towards the stairs, I follow him up, Umm so this is the other living room, bathroom and now My Bedroom and Your Bedroom,” He points out before opening the door to the one he pointed out to be mine, “Hopefully you like it,”

The walls were white bar the one behind the bed which was a bright blue, like the colour of the cookie monster The Bed had a white doona with the same colour blue swirls all over it. The whole house was timber floored and on the floor held a matching blue thick rug, Opposite the bed was a huge walk in robe.

“WOW! This is Amazing, Thanks!” I tell Jack giving him a hug

We make our way down the stairs to find My Mum and Uncle Max just pulled up and Uncle Mark and Aunty Julie Just pulling in. Caitlin Jumps out of the car,
“Heyy Mr Edwards!”

“Hello Caitlin, Hello Max, Analise. You must be Danielle Uncle Mark and Aunty Julie, nice to meet you,” Jack says extending his hand towards my uncle who had conveniently put on his Navy shirt, I just roll my eyes at his antics. Uncle Mark grabs his hand tightly,

“Nice to meet you, you remind me of some of the blokes I worked with while in the Navy,” Uncle Mark hints at and I grown,

Oh No! Here comes the overprotective Uncle!

“How about we put all my stuff inside BEFORE you start on your overprotective Uncle piece,” I suggest

“Awwww…. But I even practiced in front of a mirror for this and got the perfect ‘scary face’” Uncle Mark whines making us all laugh

“Well lets get all this stuff inside THEN you can use your ‘scary face’ even though we all know you are a big softie,” I reply cheekily

“Hey El! I take offence to that, remember I know where you are ticklish!” Uncle Mark says as he threateningly takes slow steps towards me


I collapse onto my bed. We had been bringing and moving boxes all morning then I had spent the afternoon unpacking most of it. Now I just needed a nice little Nap and some nice cold water.

*Hakuna Matatah, What a Wond-* My Phine buzzes but I quickly quieten it as i open the txt

R We stinn on 4 tomoz? - Noah


Sure, but can we do lunch instead? - El

Sure! Pick you up at 11? - Noah

Umm.. Yeah but I am at a friends place tonight so pick me up from 29 Kullurra Street - El

Sure, see you then :) - Noah

“Knock, Knock,” Jack calls, walking into my room, “Here, I though you could use this,” He says handing me a glass of ice cold water


“So, it seems you are nearly all moved in! Umm… Chase wanted to know if we were up for a party at his house tonight, he said we could make it like a house warming party if we want, It’s up to you if you want to go or not, but it doesn’t start till 9 so if you want you have time to get in a little nap?”

“Sure just wake me up in an hour so I have time to get ready,” I reply snuggling into the pillows and before I know it I am asleep

Hello Husband, Fancy seeing you hereWhere stories live. Discover now