Strange Feelings

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The beautiful cover is made by avaron_hiroyuki ! Thanks !

Let's get to the story,

"Hey, Ash! Wake up! It's already 9 o'clock! We're going to be late!" Misty screamed as she shook Ash until he woke up. The trio was going to a festival that was being held in Viridian City.

"Come on! Are you going to wake up, or shall I get my mallet? Or better yet, I'll get Pikachu to shock you." She said as her patience was starting to wear thin. She had been trying to wake him up for the past fifteen minutes.

"Alright, alright! I'm up! Happy now?" Ash quickly got up after fully registering what Misty said.

"Pika (Finally)!" Said the yellow rodent.

"Good," Misty said blankly.

"Hey, Brock! What's for breakfast?" Ash eagerly asked Brock as he rushed by the tent.

"You're late, Ash. Misty and I already had breakfast." Brock stated. He then walked away, leaving Ash stunned.

"What? Why?" He screamed.

Misty replied, "If you keep waking up late, this is what you'll get!"

Ash started crying like a baby after that. Misty couldn't tolerate it.

"Can you keep your mouth shut?" Misty exclaimed, but Ash kept crying.

"That's it! Pikachu, you know what to do." The Pokemon nodded and stood in front of Ash preparing himself for the attack.


"Aaahhh!" The raven haired boy screamed as he was hit with the strong electric shock. Misty smirked and walked out of the tent. After a couple of minutes, she returned with a plate of pancakes and a glass of orange juice. She also brought some ketchup for the little rodent. Pikachu took the bottle from her and started to eat the ketchup from it. She set the plate and glass down in front of the raven haired boy and walked away.

"Hey! You could've given this to me earlier instead of electrocuting me!"

"You should have kept quiet when I told you to! But you didn't stop. Anyways, do you want it or not?" She said as she poked her head back in.

Ash quickly took a bite of the pancake, "I want it! I am so hungry from last night's training."

"You're always hungry," Misty sighed, "and who told you to train in the middle of the night?"

Ash smirked and kept munching on his food.

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Misty's P.O.V.

'He's such an idiot! I've been dropping hints for the past few days and he's still clueless.' I couldn't help that I was so frustrated with him. However, I know that I love him no matter how much of an idiot he is. 'After all, you get angry at the people whom you love the most.' I smiled as I thought that to myself.

I walked to over to Brock to help him with the dishes, but he said, "I'll do it by myself. I love to clean the dishes." He went back to washing the cups and plates.

"But don't you get bored doing this every day?" I asked him. He let out a soft chuckle and looked over at me.

"Nope! As I told you, I'm used to doing this every day for my brother and sisters. You and Ash are like my siblings, so I love doing this for you both." He then gave me a smile and went back to washing the plates.

After standing around and doing nothing, I decided to just take a stroll in the forest. I told Brock that I was going to go and look around in the forest. After he acknowledged that I was leaving, I walked towards the dense lush.

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