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On the way back to the apartment, Jared spoke up. "I sent that text for you by the way. You were in the middle of texting Gen. You said you loved her back and to tell the boys you say goodnight."

"Thanks for sending that."

"No problem. I haven't fully said it but thanks for being such a great daughter and a great big sister to the boys. They look up to you a lot and they love you like crazy. I'm sure it feels weird being an adopted daughter and not biologically ours, but we've tried to treat you like ours and the boys consider you a sister as it is."

"I love being your daughter. Tom and Shep are totally my little brothers and I love them too. I hope it's been conveyed that I love being your daughter and not just because you guys are famous. I love being your daughter because you guys are amazing people."

"I know you aren't in it for the fame. I love you, Sarah."

"I love you too, dad."

Months flew by and we were finally off for a while. We were back home with Gen and the boys and it was great to have some well needed family time. We had Jensen over a few nights and the kids had play dates on many occasions. Things were going great. I was heading to bed one night and heard Jared and Gen talking in another room.

"Gen, it had to have been her. There's no one else here who could have."

"Why would she steal from us?"

"I don't know, but if I find out she stole it from us, and is not only drinking alcohol illegally and without our permission but that she stole it too, she is gonna regret it." Jared snapped.

"Well you can't just accuse her of doing it."

"Yes I can. And I will. In the morning." They headed to bed and I laid in bed and pretended to be asleep just in case they checked. I waited until I was sure they were asleep. I got paper from my desk and wrote a note.

I don't know what you think I stole but I'm sorry. I'm not staying here just to be beat in the morning for something I didn't do. Don't search for me, just forget I was ever in your life.

I grabbed a bag and stuffed some clothes and my toiletries into it before sneaking out my window. I walked through the dark forest not totally sure where I was going. I thought about where to go as I walked and settled on the lake nearby. It was a long walk but I had time. I loved being at the lake and it just calmed me down. I sat by the water that night and didn't sleep a wink.

Sarah, where the hell are you? He texted the next morning.

I'm not coming back.

Tell me where you are before you get yourself killed or hurt.

That's what you want isn't it? You want me to get myself killed. You'd do that anyways if I was there. I heard you last night. You said I'd regret it. I didn't steal anything but you don't believe me.

Just get back here

No. I'm done talking to you. I ignored his texts from that point on. I used what money I had for food and I slept by the water every night or in an empty cabin. It wasn't bad since it wasn't freezing. It was pretty hot actually but I dealt with it. I stayed there for about a week and went into the edge of town for food and everything else. By the time the week was over, I had run out of money. I decided to call Jensen.


"Jensen, it's me, Sarah."

"Sarah, we're all worried sick. Where are you?"

"Are you with Jared right now?"

"No. I'm out. Why?"

"Tell me the truth." I snapped.

"I am. I'm honestly out and not with Jared or Gen."

"Listen. I left because they accused me of stealing some wine or something and Jared said if he finds out that I took it and everything then I will seriously regret it. I think he was gonna hurt me. I didn't take anything from him. I'm calling because I need some money. I ran out. I can't go back yet but I need someone. I'm an adult but I can't be on my own like this. I have nowhere to go and nothing to eat, and just please help me, Jensen. And don't tell Jared. Please. Promise me you won't tell him or Gen." I begged as tears flooded out. He sighed.

"Ok. Ok. I won't tell him. Where are you?"

"I'm at the lake."

"Ok. I'll be there in 10." He showed up soon and as soon as he stepped out of his car, I wrapped him in a hug. He held me tightly. "Sarah, just go back home. They're worried about you."

"No he's not. He's pissed. That's all he is. That's all he ever is." I told him sincerely.

"Sarah, Jared loves you. He's mad for no reason but he still loves you. Don't doubt that. Listen, I haven't had a chance to tell Jared what happened but I know what happened to his wine. I haven't said anything because he never gives me a chance. He's freaking about trying to find you and getting mad at me for not helping more. I took the wine. I wanted a couple bottles to be romantic with Danneel and so I took them and was going to pay Jared back for them."

"So you're the reason I've been fearing for my life the past week? You're the reason Jared hates me?" I asked harshly.

"I'm sorry. I really haven't had a chance to tell him. I'll tell him now ok?" I nodded. He called Jared.


"Jared, I don't have news about her but I've been trying to tell you something and you never give me the chance. I took your wine. I took a couple bottles to be romantic with Danneel and I was going to pay you back but you've been freaking about Sarah so I haven't had a chance to explain. I swear it's the truth."

"So she didn't take them?"

"No. Why would she?" He replied.

"I don't know. I just don't see how I missed you leaving with them. I know you wouldn't lie to me so I believe you. Do you know where she is?" He asked. Jensen looked at me cautiously. I nodded sadly.

"Yeah. She's at the lake. I'm headed over to your place with the money, but she's at the lake."

"Ok. Thanks man." Jared replied. Jensen hugged me after hanging up.

"It'll be ok. I swear. He still loves you." I nodded and Jensen left. I just sat at the lake and stared off into the distance. I heard footsteps behind me before I heard Jared say my name.

"Sarah?" I stood up, looked at him, and backed away.

"Stay away from me, Jared. Stay away!" I shouted.

"I'm not gonna hurt you."

"And where is my proof?" I snapped. "Just stay the hell away from me." I ran into an empty cabin and shut the door.

Family Doesn't End in Blood, But it Doesn't Start There EitherWhere stories live. Discover now